Example sentences of "[art] [noun] scatter [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I glanced at my purse in her lap and the coins scattered on the bed beside her .
2 Looking around , his glance fell on the twigs scattered on the ground where Cassowary had thrown them .
3 The near vertical impact had made a crater some 20 feet deep with fragments of the aircraft scattered within a radius of about 300 yards , but the major units of the horizontal tail surfaces were found several kilometres from the main wreckage area , clearly indicating in-flight separation of these components .
4 The debris scattered to the ground .
5 One can see Tolkien 's attempt to extend that tradition in the hobbit-poems scattered through The Lord of the Rings — or to be more accurate , in the new hobbit-poems .
6 Without uttering a word , fitzAlan jerked Isabel roughly forward , at the same time riffling through the parchments scattered over the table .
7 They had nearly arrived at the first of the longhouses scattered over the hillside , belonging to the families who stayed in Orphir all the year round and cared for the land and the hall on behalf of the Earl .
8 By the time the crowd was invited to sample the barbecues scattered around the periphery of the park , and made available by the generosity of a local philanthropist and patriot , Plan Crockett , the second campaign to destabilize John Cormack to the point of resignation , was on the road .
9 Charles Maclaren used to run his fishing course there and a devoted band of anglers return each year to battle with salmon and sea-trout in Naver , Mallart and Loch Hope ; or to enjoy marvellous trout fishing in the lochs scattered throughout the hills .
10 She waved a hand to indicate the dresses scattered around the room ; some of taffeta , others of damask or cloth of gold .
11 This was often reflected in the pattern of settlement , with most villages consisting of the dwellings of agricultural workers and with the farmers scattered around the parish on their own farms but away from the centre of the village itself .
12 This common feeling , shared by the knights from the shires scattered along the Conservative back benches in the Commons , was more than mere aristocratic disdain , although if you were already seated in a large country estate it cast a different light upon the tiresome business of dealing with the Whitehall bureaucracy .
13 There was nothing special about the halt : it had a signal cabin , about a dozen levers , and a pair of gates to allow carts to cross to the farms scattered across the moors .
14 In a short address by Solveig Skjelstad , the quests scattered about the hillside and heard how as a seven year old girl , she had helped remove the bodies from both crashes , to a barn on the farm , there the bodies were placed in coffins before being taken to Trondheim for burial .
15 As the dawn slowly broke and the cocks began to crow in unison outside the cottages scattered over the heath , a sensation of rapt stillness cast its spell on him .
16 The papers scattered through the contents of the Quaker Oats box have not come from the Unit 's files .
17 The Mambo who had sat beside Mait joined the priestesses in running for the cemetery gates , while the rest of the congregation scattered to the winds , fleeing the hail of bullets that crisscrossed the poteau mitan .
18 A population concentrated in cities was more accessible to the influence of new ideological trends than a population scattered through the countryside .
19 The chicks are placed on a surface scattered with a mix of food grains and pebbles of about the same size and colour of the food .
20 Another powerful smell , of decaying rubbish , came mainly from the ash-pits at the far end of the corridor , but also from a deposit scattered over the floor .
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