Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun] specially [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Seen left is the gorgeous cake specially baked to commemorate the launch of the Guide .
2 It was a learned article ; it went into details about the workmanship , the size and influence of Byzantine art on the beautiful object specially commissioned by Vladimir to mark his conversion from paganism .
3 In this report the mature Ramsey specially valued not only the word uncouth- nesses but also the pointed description of his nonconforming character in the phrase on his own lines .
4 Try using one of the audio cassettes specially designed to help overcome insomnia ( details in information section at end of book ) .
5 The pair celebrated the news yesterday by parading in the lavish costumes specially designed for them for Dick Whittington at the Empire Theatre .
6 In many situations you will need to use one of the space-saving stairs specially designed for lofts .
7 ‘ I even had a piece of the same wood specially stained for you . ’
8 But the new vans specially built to convey this traffic were 27ft long and capable of holding two at a time , the forerunner of the car flats of the 1970s and '80s .
9 WEDGWOOD Rooms staff hopped into action to promote the centenary of Peter Rabbit and the new items specially introduced to the Wedgwood range .
10 Distinctive features of ‘ The Land of the Roe ’ include the 24 maps specially drawn by the author for this publication ; the use of primary data from the 1831 Census of Population to complement the detailed social and economic history derived from the Ordnance Memoirs of Ireland 1831–35 ; and the inclusion in the Appendix of all of the original and processed data on which the population maps are based .
11 There may be a willing volunteer or a professional person specially appointed , but this may not be easy to find .
12 Below the oven is a large compartment specially contoured with rounded corners to help make cleaning easy .
13 Within the cargo terminal the Post Office occupies a double module specially fitted out as a sorting room .
14 Where the editor rattled her half dozen strings of large beads and remarked with a toothy grin : ‘ They say it 's the fashion — ’ Where Gerald , the art editor — who was reputed to have a fabulous house on the Chelsea Embankment full of priceless works of art — was so sensitive that he had to have a soundproof office specially built for him , while his assistant Jeremy padded along like his superior 's spaniel , and if Gerald wore a shirt of subtle pink on Monday , his minion would appear in the same shade on Tuesday .
15 Each OBO fixings prize pack will contain a selection of Terrier Nails ( a wood-to-wood nail specially designed to provide the fixing strength of a wood screw ) , special Masonry Nails ( general purpose nails which fix wood to all kinds of masonry without drilling , plugging or screwing ) , and Timber Connectors ( for creating a permanent fixture without the need for screwing or nailing ) .
16 At Athens itself , around the summer solstice , the image of Athena Polis was veiled , taken down , disrobed and wished , before being ceremonially reclothed in a new robe specially woven by the arrhephoroi .
17 The Gregorian calendar ; European officers to train her armed forces ; steam power for her industry ; central banking ; a new peerage specially created so as to make orthodox bicameral government possible by providing the material for an Upper House ; the codification of her law ; a representative system : these were all pieces of the structure of a new Japan which was at last crowned by alliance with one European power and victory in war over another ( see below , Ch. 8 ) .
18 If you 're worried that your baby might fall out of his pushchair , or worse still be forcibly taken from it , Babysave is a new device specially designed to alert you instantly .
19 I would move into Dr. Zimmerman 's sanatorium , and Joel would be Dr. Green , an out-of-town doctor specially brought in at Bonanza 's expense .
20 The solution would be to give all senior house officers a named educational supervisor or mentor who could coordinate an educational programme specially tailored to each senior house officer 's needs .
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