Example sentences of "[prep] [art] board of directors " in BNC.

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1 In a manufacturing company , he or she may not only do public relations for the Board of Directors and the general information about the company as a whole , but may also have to satisfy a marketing department who demand the benefits of public relations for their products .
2 In these Articles , the expression ‘ the Directors ’ means the directors for the time being of the Company or ( as the context shall require ) any of them acting as the Board of Directors of the Company .
3 In these Articles , the expression ‘ the Directors ’ means the directors for the time being of the Company or ( as the context shall require ) any of them acting as the Board of Directors of the Company .
4 The second quote is from a member of the board of directors of the Highlander Research and Education Center during a board meeting which I attended in May 1986 : —
5 ‘ Jonathan Holland , our senior member of the board of directors , has announced his impending retirement , , he said .
6 And so the House of Industry became the workhouse for the whole union ; it remained the property of the Board of Directors , who let the building and the front garden to the Poor Law Guardians for £280 per annum .
7 Faith is very often placed either in institutional investors or in redefining the role of the board of directors as that of monitoring executive management .
8 The subsidiary company is not allowed to acquire shares in the holding company and no person may be a member of the board of directors of both companies .
9 Parliament also appoints a managing director for five years , and neither the managing director nor any other member of the executive of the organization is allowed to be engaged in business or become a member of the board of directors of any company .
10 Finally , it is therefore the more difficult to see how the proposals can have anything to do with genuine industrial democracy , that is to say , with the accountability of the board of directors as a corporate whole to the individual men and women who constitute the workforce and who would have the ultimate power to replace an unsatisfactory board .
11 The broadcasting ‘ liberalization ’ phase under ‘ Chaban ’ had ended : the broadcasting law of July 1972 had distinguished between the state monopoly of radio and television broadcasting and the public organization ( ORTF ( entrusted with the monopoly ; the same law increased — on paper — the autonomy of ORTF and the powers of the ‘ MD ’ who became in addition chairman of the board of directors ( 'PDG' ) ; but conflicts arose between the first ‘ PDG ’ , Arthur Conte , and the Information Minister , Philippe Malaud .
12 In favour of a person dealing with a company in good faith , the power of the board of directors to bind the company or to authorize others to do so is deemed to be free from any limitations under the company 's constitution ( i.e. memorandum of association ) .
13 Being head of the Board of Directors , as well as a major stockholder in said company , your female progenitor has complete control over mission profile and personnel . ’
14 We may in such circumstances act on the instructions of the Board of Directors , provided we are sure they are mandated to act .
15 The two men were prosecuted in connection with the fraudulent bankruptcy of a finance company , Trans K-B , of which Kopp was president of the board of directors .
16 SIGNED by us , two directors of the covenantor or a director and the secretary of the covenantor pursuant to a resolution of the board of directors and in accordance with the covenantor 's Articles of Association :
17 As a consequence , fiduciary duties continue to apply to the directors of a company and to 'shadow " directors ( persons whose instructions or directions often determine the decision of the board of directors ) .
18 These provide for the constitution of the board of directors of the company and the decision-making process ; the right to appoint a non-executive director ; negative pledges in favour of the investing institutions ; the flow of regular financial management information to the investors ; the giving of warranties by the management team and Newco ; and the granting of restrictive covenants .
19 Maybe the chief executive officer or some member of the board of directors had reason to doubt the standing procedures for reviewing design and failed to improve them .
20 She swam and sunbathed , went sightseeing , worked on her designs , talked brightly on the phone with Lucy , or Dad or Charles whenever they rang her , forcing herself not to ask whether Guy had moved in on the firm yet , and then wincing when Lucy said that he 'd made his mark in a dramatic emergency board meeting , put up the backs of most of the board of directors when he announced sweeping measures to increase profitability , cut overheads …
21 In fact , such partnerships are run as if they were limited companies , managed by executive committees with functions equivalent to those of a board of directors .
22 Quantum leaps from working class to the chair of a board of directors of a multinational corporation are rare , which is why they attract so much attention when they occur .
23 I do n't give a damn about Ivan 's ridiculous rag , said Charles , but of course he did , he cared much more than she did , and with reason , for Ivan usually managed to deliver her some backhanded compliment , whereas Charles always got it in the neck : ‘ HEADLEAND CRASHES HEADLONG ’ had been the headline of Ivan 's latest piece of gossip , which had consisted of a dangerous account of Charles 's behaviour at a meeting of a board of directors , laced with unfounded but inventive innuendo about a country house which he and Liz were said to be purchasing as a tax dodge .
24 I am not a child to be frightened by a resolution of a board of directors , or to be soothed by the present of shares ( each carrying 10 liability ) in a company which has been losing money every year from its commencement , and which nothing short of a miracle could make pay a dividend as hitherto managed ; neither is my position in Scientific Circles here such as to render my retaining the editorship of any advantage to me — indeed , I am vain enough to think that I confer more than I receive .
25 Those at the top , on or near the board of directors , may exercise strategic control over investment and planning of markets and products .
26 Governors have an increasing responsibility for schools they serve , very much like a board of directors of a public company but , unlike company directors , they may have little specialist knowledge or previous experience of management .
27 The enterprise governance was achieved through a board of directors , half of whom were designated as executive directors who provided the company 's active leadership and half of whom were designated as nonexecutive ( external ) directors who fulfilled the more traditional board functions .
28 The DTB is operated by a private company , DTBGmbH which is owned by seventeen major German banks , with the board of directors consisting of seven selected bank representatives .
29 And explain to her that although she did a good job with the Board of Directors , but erm , the ballbearings people wanted something different .
30 The successful sale to the Dallas Museum of Art in 1991 of a group of Greek and Etruscan jewellery by Robert Haber in partnership with Artemis has led the company to invite Mr Haber onto the Board of Directors , indicating their continued commitment to this field .
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