Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] stating [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Crew arriving by air to join a yacht are not normally asked for an onward ticket : however , nationals who need visas for Spain should have a letter from the owner of the yacht stating that the crew is joining the yacht at Las Palmas .
2 Such people may believe that staying on friendly terms with the salesperson and at the end of the interview stating that they will think over the proposal is the best tactic in a no-buy situation .
3 The ban takes the form of a circular stating that it is illegal to sell , purchase , import , export or even carry tiger bones or rhino horns and that they may not be used in medicines .
4 This was not , they say , the import of a memorandum stating that ‘ the pastoral letter is intended to … invite the Catholic faithful and all men of goodwill to respond in their lives to the teaching of the Gospel . ’
5 The development of an approach stating that the functionality of an item can be mapped on the geometric domain , leads naturally to the inverse argument that the domains themselves can be seen as logical spaces .
6 The Second Report in 1955 ( HMSO 1955 ) was more optimistic , with the Committee stating that its earlier recommendations had had some influence over employers .
7 Inside there is a black marble stone with an inscription stating that entombed below are the remains of Bernabo Visconti transferred from a neighbouring church which was demolished .
8 G. Lightheart will place the matter before the Region stating that we are willing to bear some of the cost .
9 Although a notice had been placed in the chapel stating that the policy was under review , and asking people not to bring their own vases , plaques and large birthday-type cards , two people had objected .
10 Suppose that a contract is made for the provision of a network to link individual computers together , a term in the contract stating that the network will support at least 16 microcomputers .
11 Critical comments are frequently made in the press stating or implying that Swiss law lends itself particularly well to illegal trafficking in works of stolen art .
12 Again , in 1937 , nineteen doctors published a letter in the BMJ stating that they were satisfied , through personal experience , that Alexander 's teaching was very beneficial in the cure and prevention of many diseases .
13 Do not forget , however , to include a clause in the rules stating that the sponsor will take the copyright of all entries .
14 The inititive declared that Austrians should have the right to enjoy their homeland in " perpetual security " , and that an article should be inserted in the Constitution stating that " Austria is not a country of immigration " .
15 Someone will be exempt if they have a certificate from a doctor stating that they are severely mentally impaired and are also receiving one or more of certain social security benefits including attendance allowance , severe disablement allowance , or invalidity benefit .
16 Some attempts were made by political parties to annexe the cooperative representation movement , acts that were exploited by J C Carroll in a circular stating that resolutions in support of the Labour Party were being forwarded , together with proposals to finance political work by increasing contributions ( see interviews with S F Perry , Secretary of the Cooperative Representation Committee in Cooperative News 29 March 19 , 5 April 19 ) .
17 The European Parliament on Sept. 12 , in a resolution stating that only a diplomatic solution could settle the crisis ( passed by 300 to 70 with 19 abstentions ) , called on Italy as current holder of the presidency of the European Communities ' Council of Ministers to convene a special EC summit to find such a solution .
18 They had sent a message to the country stating that Amy was ill , shortly before her death .
19 Loxton was reminded of an earlier statement he had made to the police stating that the time of the second appearance was between 6pm and 6.05pm .
20 that not less than two months notice has been given to the tenant stating that possession is required and that the Notice has expired .
21 US sources suggest that the band are obliged to pay out a sum of $2.5 million in retainers to 150 crew members , due to a clause stating that any band responsible for delays must pay for them .
22 But when she moved jobs , she was subject to a policy stating that nurses should not suture faces or hands .
23 Send you name and address on a postcard stating whether your hair is permed or coloured to : SHE/Iridiance and Permanence Offer , L'Oréal , 30 Kensington Church Street , London W8 4HA .
24 It can be proved by witnesses stating that they saw the defendant ‘ drive round the roundabout and wander into the side of another car ’ or ‘ brake rather late and run into the car in front ’ or by the defendant stating that ‘ I misjudged the gap or distance ’ or ‘ I did n't see the other car , motorbike , cycle or pedestrian , etc . ’
25 In the majority of cases the conveyance will be a motor car and the ‘ taking ’ is proved by a witness stating that he saw the defendant take the car , or by an admission to that effect by the defendant .
26 ‘ Appropriates ’ is generally proved by a witness stating that the accused picked the property up or put it in a shopping bag or a pocket .
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