Example sentences of "[noun sg] moves [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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31 As his maturity increases the style moves up to the Hi R/Hi T quarter ; the leader ‘ sells ’ to the follower decisions already made .
32 If the business is a goer , the entrepreneur moves on to the full Enterprise Allowance system and gets back any surplus funds .
33 The 24-year-old Bromborough plus one man moves in at the expense of Royal Liverpool 's Ian Farrall , who is the only one out of the team which beat Cumbria in the first league match at Seascale .
34 As the Russian new wave moves out into the mainstream , here are ten Soviet names to watch .
35 Starting with the waterwheel , the story moves on to the beam engine and other types of steam engines such as a huge colliery fan engine , and gas turbines — all in working order .
36 After reading the signpost , the user moves off in the direction of his choice until he arrives at the next crossroads .
37 From slick dialogue about eating Christians , the play moves back to the world of the cinema .
38 Having established the finer points , the course moves out to the Barossa training area of gorse , bracken and small pine woods adjacent to the Academy .
39 As the moving phase passes over it , this component moves slowly along the stationary phase .
40 The budget line moves out to the right and the individual elects to purchase more of X if the publicly provided good is a normal good .
41 This alternative model moves away from the conventional idea of a child with learning difficulties to one which recognises and builds on the child 's learning achievements .
42 In other words again , if the RC needle moves away from the wind , you turn towards this movement away from the wind , adjusting your allowance accordingly .
43 In the later development of Barthes ' work , and in the work of others who followed similar trajectories ( e.g. Coward and Ellis 1977 ) , this analysis moves further from the specific contents of the objects and their social impact , to address the problem of the media itself , and the nature of the sign .
44 I Application of the fingertip strike 1 : the attacker moves in from the side .
45 In Stein 's German action , the beak is held by the escapement lever while the pivot moves up with the key ( compare illus.12,13 ) .
46 That , my Lord , the matter moves on to the fifteenth of October on which day er the plaintiff together with Mr attended Richmond Magistrates Court and obtained a protection order from the justices in relation to the premises and then on the sixteenth of October erm this was the day when things started to go very badly wrong for the plaintiff because Mr by now had returned from his holiday and come back cautiously , he apparently attended after his holiday and on this day Mr was told that , by Mrs that it was not possible to proceed with the financial er dealings that had been agreed between them unless the Frinton property was offered as security .
47 Colder fluid moves close to the wall to replace the fluid in an eruption .
48 You know that when a black fella dies the whole family moves out of the house and goes walkabout .
49 The peaks also correlate with high NO 2 values , so our assumption is that in these episodes we are measuring lower-latitude air as the denitrified polar vortex moves away from the site under the influence of planetary wave activity , as has been demonstrated with previous NO 2 data .
50 He is seen , just briefly , behind a barricade in a burning street , his rifle beside him but intent on removing a stone from his boot while a German Tiger tank moves steadily down the street towards him .
51 If the batsman moves either to the off or leg side to improvise a stroke , they must be able to redirect their line — to follow his movement — even though they are in the very act of delivering the ball .
52 In horse opera , the aggressor in the black hat moves in from the right …
53 Then , when the predator moves in for the kill , at the very last moment the butterfly fish switch direction and dash rapidly forward , leaving the frustrated would-be killers snapping at empty water .
54 Next the designer moves on to the exceptions , such as a and s , all the while bearing in mind the axis he established with the first letter he designed .
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