Example sentences of "[noun sg] over the whole country " in BNC.

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1 It 's very rare that there is no wind over the whole country , and to some extent when the wind drops so does the demand for fuel .
2 It rested on a grant of authority over the whole country by Gregory to the first archbishop , followed by a long history of the exercise of this authority from the seventh century onwards .
3 He proved and illustrated from Bede that for the first hundred and forty years after its foundation as an archbishopric , Canterbury had held primatial authority over the whole country ; then he went on to prove , though more sketchily , that this state of affairs had lasted without intermission until the Norman Conquest .
4 Danish kings emerge from a period of obscurity in the middle of the tenth century , when a dynasty based on Jelling in Jutland , and represented by Gorm the Old and his son Harald Bluetooth , seems to have extended its authority over the whole country , which then included the province of Skåne in modern Sweden .
5 The West believed , in any case , that Russia would try to exploit the process of German reunification to install a Communist government over the whole country .
6 That was the assumption on the part of the Federal Authorities that the people of the several states were … citizens of the US and owed allegiance to the Federal Government as the absolute sovereign power over the whole country , consolidated into one Nation ’ .
7 Every three hours the Met Assistant had to plot a chart — that is , working from the coded symbols sent on the teleprinter , draw up on a large blank map of Great Britain the weather at that time over the whole country .
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