Example sentences of "[noun sg] once [conj] twice [art] " in BNC.

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1 Well there used to be one on the corner of Street and Street that was , that was a pawnshop right opposite the churches facing it the church were on the one corner Street and used to be on the opposite corner , and Johnny was a member of the church choir as I was after I was ten years ol ten years old , I Mr he must have thought I could sing he sent me down to St Paul 's and I , I went to St Paul 's Church on the corner of Street and I did n't stay there long because it was I was still working part- time I was still a schoolboy but er I did sing in the choir at St Paul 's Church for a time , and then I went , I went back to St Mary 's and All Saints in Palfry as a choirboy and er we used to have choir practice once or twice a week , I know we had it Wednesday night , the choir master was Albert Edward he was a butcher , kept a butcher 's shop on the corner of and
2 I tried some Palfium once or twice an ’ some morphine , that was it really .
3 Plants that are n't in containers benefit more from a good watering once or twice a week , rather than a little every day .
4 At the very least they wanted a home help once or twice a week , to assist this mother with fifteen children to look after .
5 Nurses visit someone at home once or twice a week , helping with bathing , dressing , lifting and medical care , and providing incontinence pads .
6 Many couples continue to enjoy sexual intercourse once or twice a week into old age , but some people have neither the inclination or ability for this , and of course in a long relationship we do adjust to our partner 's needs .
7 A regular checkup once or twice a year with a GP who had the time , the energy , and the resources to advise on preventative medicine as an integral part of the National Health Service , may have protected me from a heart attack .
8 Look at the habitat once or twice a week for several weeks .
9 As part of the improved conditions Bilal 's partner started taking us through the kitchen once or twice a week to sit with them and get a bit of sun .
10 We cross the border once or twice a week .
11 McDonald 's recruitment officer Christina Pellini , who is hiring trainee managers for the 50 units the company plans to open this year , uses Springboard once or twice a month because ‘ it provides good quality people ’ , she said .
12 This sometimes invisible deity is usually meant to keep an eye on the working of the account , provide advice and experience if problems arise , and share a drink once or twice a year with your managing director or chairperson .
13 ‘ I make the spaghetti sauce once or twice a week — like any other English person . ’
14 Ideally , to be honest I would like a diamorphine maintenance course , but I do n't know if that 's possible these days to pick up a prescription once or twice a week and be able to do it that way instead of having the hassle of having to go on the street .
15 One of the offences to which Gavin pleaded guilty was a specimen charge of £100 , an amount he admitted taking from the account once or twice a month between March and October 1991 .
16 However , to maintain this amended behaviour pattern , it may be necessary to repeat this training once or twice a week to ensure that it is permanently reinforced .
17 When I get out of my train at Victoria and look about me at the other two hundred — mostly strangers , not least so those whose names as early schoolfellows dawn on me when they disappeared , — I sometimes think that one or two of us ought to speak out instead of just voting and making a remark in the complaint book once or twice a year and writing to a newspaper less often .
18 • Prepare your skin for a lasting radiant tan by using Exfoliating Body Scrub and Gentle Facial Peeling once or twice a week .
19 Ferrying Jamie to his sporting activities has made me more conscious of the need to exercise , and I work out at a gym once or twice a week . ’
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