Example sentences of "[noun sg] as [pers pn] walk [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Still , if you do n't mind suspending your disbelief as you walk into the cinema , Deceived is a cut above recent thrillers like Shattered and A Kiss Before Dying , though hardly up to the standard of Fatal Attraction or Jagged Edge .
2 It appears that the whole town has turned out to welcome us ; men , women and children are lining the main route through the town , shaking hands with the French Commandos and offering glasses of wine as they walk alongside the column .
3 It is a warm and gentle day as I walk towards the wood that beckons me , cool and friendly .
4 Breeding birds include great artic skuas which dive at your head as you walk near their territories , rock doves , ringed plovers and red-throated divers .
5 There was also a boy called and a girl called who were there and I see them two and every morning as I walk to school .
6 Gordon mentions this pause before the onset of summer as we walk towards Crinkle Ghyll .
7 The tension of the piece is based on its difference in elevation ; on the fact that one element reads as a horizontal volume , its top plane clearly below eye level , whereas the other rises vertically above your eye level as you walk towards it .
8 And in each step as you walk along it , and it 's a , it 's a goldfish pond .
9 You go into a café where the sight and smell of freshly baked Danish pastries hits you squarely in the face as you walk through the door .
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