Example sentences of "[noun sg] and appealed for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They said she was fond of visiting the countryside and coast and appealed for property owners to check outbuildings in case she was taking refuge from January 's cold weather .
2 France expressed horror at the assassination and appealed for unity to assure peace in the country it once ruled .
3 Outside the old Stasi headquarters in the Lichtenberg district of East Berlin demonstrators stormed and ransacked the building and were only persuaded to stop after Modrow and New Forum round table delegates broke off their meeting and appealed for calm at the scene itself .
4 Paul Grace and Councillor James Doherty came out of the court and appealed for restraint , and after negotiations with the police about a dozen relatives of defendants were allowed in .
5 O'Neill made an impassioned defence of his policies on television and appealed for support for what he saw as the only course that could save Ulster from deepening civil unrest .
6 As play was held up Bucknor strolled over to the scene of the trouble and appealed for calm .
7 As US officials produced evidence of his involvement in drug trafficking and appealed for support from other Latin American countries in their campaign to oust him , their case was weakened by evidence that the US had been an important supporter in the general 's rise to power and that the CIA had known about his trafficking for years .
8 Church leaders and politicians on all sides condemned the latest atrocity and appealed for calm .
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