Example sentences of "[interj] [interj] [coord] i [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Oh no but I mean it would n't be
2 and then suddenly from the other end there 's this like , cos we , it 's like a big room , it 's the other end of the room all the dealers there , and er anyway and er and suddenly I hear , and then someone 's like saying talking , they 're all , somebody 's like mi microphone and starts talking to them about er what 's happening in the market , things like that blah blah blah blah blah , and this means blah blah blah blah so watch out for blah blah blah and I thought it 's like living in a different world , it 's amazing .
3 Oh yes but I mean they they seem to concentrate pretty well round these playing fields for some reason .
4 Ah yeah but I mean I ai n't wearing again would I after Christmas , no .
5 Ah yeah but I think you er misunderstood what we were saying .
6 Yeah yeah and I mean you can you you 've got
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