Example sentences of "[interj] [pron] be [adv] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 No I 'm just I want
2 Well no I 'm not I mean this is it erm you do n't know er how much to do
3 No she 's not you see she 's
4 no she 's not I have a picture of her somewhere , she 's nice him , his , there , there she is
5 No you 're not you sit with us .
6 No you 're not you got bad head again , you 're
7 No you 're not you denounce it all the time .
8 I went , no you 're not I said , do n't do that , it 's not nice , mum .
9 No , no there 's not I mean I 've been doing this for fifteen years , and quite simply is , if you like , I 've been up the ladder , the contacts that were I 've had were relatively junior fifteen years ago
10 Oh no they 're not they 've shoved them down there
11 I said no he is n't I said , he 's off sick .
12 No it 's not they reckon you should leave a two second gap if yo , if you 're travelling at thirty , forty miles an hour .
13 it 's all I said no it 's not I said I paid me first er payment I said wrote it down on one of those papers
14 No it 's today I think .
15 No it 's just they need a teacher .
16 No it 's just they look like jeans .
17 She said no it 's how you wish .
18 Oh no it is n't we intend to redevelop the site
19 No , no it was n't he put on too many weights sunshine
20 No no it was n't I seen I seen people in the pleasance being silver coated pills .
21 Yes it is actually we use it on one of our other brochures but they 've they 've got all the er all the nice cars .
22 Yes it 's where I used mine .
23 Yes it 's when you see British Telecom repainting all their vans with this silly new logo that you get a bit twitchy do n't you ?
24 Yes it 's still I tell you yo
25 I just , I just honest to God I had n't realized at all the guy was sort of and says er oh it 's probably I said no I 'm sure I was really cheesed .
26 Oh it 's only it 's got erm I mean I can se , see where it is and what it is in the
27 I remember going down to the bridge in Walsall and a sailor climbed the old clock and tied his collar around it and a soldier got up and put his hat on and an airman got up and put his tie with a red , white and blue rosette on it , around the arms of the old clock and people were loving and kissing everywhere , and oh it was really you had to be alive to appreciate it .
28 So um it 's much I suppose it makes the world a slightly safer place if you can say it was to do with something that you did because it brings the world slightly back under your control , maybe .
29 Eh she was away I think when , or she 'd gone out when called in upon here a fortnight ago .
30 Yeah I was then I had three , yeah , good
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