Example sentences of "[unc] [conj] [adv] [subord] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 You do n't notice it a and then once you do , every time you wake up , it 's there .
2 And then er a and then after they had been in hay ricks for a long time they were brought up to the farm and built into a bigger stack , a bigger thing .
3 I really ca and maybe if she eats one or two meals over the weekend , it 'll he might not
4 So , it was , it was , I , a as soon as I knew I 'd be teaching this I thought the only way
5 Well a as soon as she gave me this erm protective thing to wear and and then told me that I was grown up and every .
6 We do n't now go on the Saga holidays , simply because they er or solely because you need to go down to Gatwick to catch the planes and we 're not to doing that East Midlands or .
7 But you 've got to do the right kind of exercise to get the effect er and again when you come to stamina it 's got to be , you 've got to have a bit of the all round to go with the stamina .
8 Well , oh yes , I 'm sure I 'm not saying that 's the only thing that controls people 's food intake I mean clearly there are things cultural some cultures , the Japanese seem to love eating raw fish , I mean how they can bring themselves to do it I do now know , I mean the raw is I do n't think I 'd want to eat again , but er erm not always if they were cooked either , but erm the , the er and certainly if you look at the Australian Aborigines even though we take the Australian Aborigines as our kind of primeval people , they have astonishing food taboos , I mean their attitudes to food are very very culturally er effective to , to a quite extraordinary extent , some so that somebody somebody discovered that eating a tabooed food by accident , they 'll get very ill , a kind of psychosomatic illness .
9 Er and therefore when it got round the workshop what had happened and why he had been er suspended you know , initially the ire of our members rose and subsequently er the place just ground to a halt and there was a meeting and therefore we put the point to the management that er if they did n't really in a reasonable manner , then we were going .
10 Er and obviously if we 've got thousands of those coming to each three regional offices we 've got to find some method of distributing them , we do n't want them left in the office do we ?
11 We also yes I must remind you that we have read the papers so I do n't necessarily want to go through it word by word line by line er but obviously when you want to make a point you will refer back to those papers but do n't you must assume that we have read them and that everybody else has read them .
12 But er when just before I left the polishing which was in nineteen thirty eight , er they were bringing in a lot of cellu it 's all th a lot of all this modern stuff is what they call cellulose , but I could n't tell you how it 's done , it 's done with a spray .
13 round the place and then we 'll see how it goes from there , with a view to letting you out , back into the world and er as soon as they 'd gone and they were escorting him back to his , his room , they do n't have cells they have erm , he turned to the warden who are called nurses , and said never wanted to have an operation , I like having sex with little girls , he said
14 Yes my Lord er as soon as we went to the main bedroom which was the back bedroom at the same time as as that bedroom door opened , so the second team consisting of er P C P C would have gone into the second smaller bedroom and at the same time as we went in er P C and P C job er was to cover our backs in case of anybody in er the kitchen or the living area , the living room area .
15 You 're you 're entitled to claim it as soon as you 're entitled to er as soon as it 's been proofed .
16 Erm sh because apparently if they do go in an office , they 'll find these are far slower than anything else they would ever work on ,
17 As soon as soon as you see a parked car you should be looking to see what 's behind its and there 's about six policeman behind
18 Erm that probably because they 'd been at the bottom so long , er it did n't appear that there was
19 The important thing is that there is a lot of preamble because the guy 's bound to say erm and even if he does n't ask you what the price is you must make sure he knows .
20 Erm and also because I saw no early prospect of the application coming reports .
21 Erm and then once they 've organized themselves into these associations their first er job should be , or was perhaps , I 'm not he 's talking about what has actually happened I suppose
22 I think its possible to fall in love with the same person more than once , you fall in love with them and you get married for that as well as other reasons perhaps , and then you have children and you hardly see them really for the next ten years , at least this is what every one sort of understands and then and then erm and then when you have more time again you can fall in love all over again with exactly the same person , I think this happens to lots of people , which also does n't happen to a lot of people so you have n't
23 Erm , and another form over here for a horse erm and then when I found my true self erm , here I am , Socrates , and I 'm trying to withdraw from my erm what erm called the empirical self .
24 Eleven o'clock , there were n't restrictions then on , they could keep open as long as they liked , no restrictions on , on time , and er as I say their own place you know it really it was picturesque , I thought in since erm I contacted you I 've been thinking how , what I could help with and er what I could still think about , and er it was really a sight because to walk and it always used to be crowded , well it was one of the best markets round here and er people used to go off and from Bloxwich and er although there 's a good market at Walsall there was n't a Bloxwich market then sadly for years and years , but erm and then if you went to Wolverhampton you got to walk through Windsfield you got to er walk everywhere you went then and except on a Saturday night when the wagonettes used to run on a Saturday but it was amazing to see the girl behind the range now controlling
25 Erm and then if you go onto drawing graphs from equations okay so skip that bit and just have a look at page sixty eight .
26 Erm and then if you move on to sentences four and five underneath them er anyone left is ill-formed , but no one saw anyone is fine .
27 I found that quite a hard time erm and especially if you do n't have any family near .
28 Erm and certainly when it comes to local needs housing that is in that is explicitly to be an exception and and erm I I see no particular problem with that .
29 Yes beginning , you know , we , we know what we 're trying to do obviously we do n't necessarily know every , every node in the network erm Cos obviously once you start doing that , or when we start doing tr the , the journey run things erm we 're going to need to know what we 're wanting .
30 And they go up to it and they f as soon as they pick one foot up to kick the ball they fall over .
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