Example sentences of "[unc] [conj] [pron] [verb] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Well , yeah , I spoke to them like , on the telephone , erm and basically they er and we agreed that we would n't take it any further so it er happened to be a police officer 's view as against our view , and whilst we did n't agree with the view , er we sent enough references to make our point known anyway .
2 On the other hand , you will have gathered already that we are going to talk about Greater York , so I think there may be some distinct benefit and merit in you being he here to listen to that , er particular part of the topic , now the , I hope in fact that we can deal with the remainder of H One , because it it does lead quite logically into the next issue which we want to talk about , which is the new settlement in the Greater York area , er and I hope that we can get through this item by our morning break , that but whenever we do conclude on H One we will have to have a slightly longer break just to enable the seating arrangements to be sorted out properly for all participants who are involved in the discussion on the new settlement .
3 and what I concern myself with now is that this sort of thing is becoming too obvious in the area , this kind of development , this kind of an infringement in villages , looking for , somebody 's got to make a stand against it , er and I hope that we shall in this Parish Council
4 tutorial programme , we talked last , last term er and I said that I 'd like to as soon as possible put up a complete programme of titles , it would be nice if we could have a little er what am I supposed to call them ?
5 Er if we find that we get a , a , a no answer from the employer in terms of paid release , er the first reserve date will be Saturday the tenth and we 'll switch it to Saturday if we if we can leave it in the hands of the three officers to get together on that without calling another meeting of the group , I think might be better .
6 There is no way that we can change those without the agreement of all the other members of the community er but I know that it 's something that er my colleagues at the foreign office are extremely concerned with .
7 And I told y I said to y er before he did that I said , would it cause a client a problem if we gave them back some money ?
8 Last last time I was er resting was er about sixteen months ago and er I actually applied and got pretty far down the line er for a position within Woolworths only to find that er when they stated that they wanted people between the ages of twenty eight and thirty five they did actually mean that .
9 If y i er when you see that You remember I said do n't assume anything ?
10 We 've re-aligned our cost space which makes us more profitable at the existing levels of demand and potentially very profitable indeed er er when you consider that we have the capacity to respond to any upturn in demand without increasing our costs .
11 Er when you feel that you ca n't answer our questions in open session , if you could indicate that then we will go into closed session at the end of the morning and cover that ground in that way .
12 I feel as though I 'm on a plateau at the moment although sh sh when I said that she said well i it is getting better so the
13 My Lords erm I was deeply appreciative of er the my Noble Friend , Lord Boyd-Carpenter insofar as he said that he felt sympathy for me .
14 Cawson 's arguments are persuasive , at least insofar as he confirms that it is difficult to conceive of any independent local corporatism , based on local classes and local producer groups .
15 You said that erm or you implied that it was important to stow the c the erm slates v v very carefully .
16 Erm it 's in Leeds erm and they know that I 'm going but I may need to call them and say that I 'm sending somebody else because I ca n't possibly go anywhere during the day on Wednesday .
17 Erm however we would wish to see that policy complemented by the inclusion of the strategic exceptions policy erm and we know that I know that 's to be discussed tomorrow but I will mention now that I think it would have been much more useful to the discussion if we 'd have been able to discuss the strategic sites issue as part of this debate .
18 Yes I think that over the course of our married life we had a number of moves for various reasons , generally to improve the accommodation , erm as standard of life increased so the desire to have a better house to live in or rather in those days a house was out of the question , we generally had rooms in a house , erm , they , the flat for instance that we were bombed out from was a basement flat , erm according to the estate agents it was a garden flat , erm and it meant that you had access to the front garden and the back garden , but as for being a garden flat it was below the level of the garden in the front and at the back it was on the level with the erm green grass at the back of the house , it was also along side of the trolley bus depot , so there it was considerably noisy , nevertheless it was a self contained flat , the first one we 'd had , no the second one we 'd had and we were perfectly happy there although of course it did have minor difficulties , the fact that you used the front door with people who had flats on the other remaining three floors , but nevertheless it did involve you in a certain amount of community living , you were aware of your neighbours , you had to be very conscious of them and they were very conscious of you .
19 I would , I would have to be absolutely honest and that and er I would n't exclude myself from that particular er way of thinking because when they moved in , when you got a time for a job , erm for example there was one particular job that I was on erm and I thought that I was doing it reasonable accurately and rapidly , erm and they wanted to introduce a new fixture so that you know , I could do the whole series of faces on it .
20 well I think that , that the , the sending out of the press release immediately was , was quite correct , because obviously people had ride that , sorry people may have read that and something therefore had to be said , my personal view was that really this article is you had , if you like had undone everything that we had been trying to do , erm and put us in a bad light and it maybe my Scottish background , but I do n't like people calling in to question my motives and the companies motives , erm and I felt that it went straight to what we were really standing for , given what I explained about my thoughts in nineteen eighty seven , it was hitting straight to the core of the whole proposition and everything that stood for , erm and that is what was the great concern and because it was n't just like a , a mild slap in the face it was more like a knife in the ribs , it was therefore required a lot more thinking about as to the reaction that we would then have to come up with .
21 Erm and I think that it is a very useful exercise to discover which things you know fall below that break even point and which things are therefore if you like internally subsidized or which we do for one reason or another .
22 Also like , why , why , do people want to find love ? , like is it maybe lulling them into a false sense of si security erm and I think that it is really important as like one woman said earlier on that its really important to love yourself first , cos how can you give any body any thing
23 Lentils coming from Ethiopia , you get wheat from the States , rice from the States , ap apples from France , tea from India , coffee from Brazil and Columbia , sugar from the Windward Islands , bananas from all over the place , you know those are the things that keep us alive , no , you know , whether we one think they are or not , but I mean them things are what keeps the economy alive for one , it 's also what keeps us personally alive if you do n't know why we take an interest in Third World issues , I would say that it 's that , we 're dependent on these countries , we could produce enough foods for our own needs , but we would n't have oranges , coffee , tea , sugar , you know cos we ca n't grow them in this country we , we really depend on those things to stay alive , and for that reason alone we should have some kind of interest , if you went to Kenya for example they would be staggered at how little you know about their country given how much they know about yours they know a lot about this country , a lot of it is a bit loopy , but then what you know about their country is probably a bit off centre as well , and you know I hope that this is something that we 're reversing in this section , our perceptions of the Third World or the south or whatever we choose to call it , colour a lot of the things that we think and do and say and it increases the amount of racism that there is around us all , all those kind of things , erm and I think that it is really important to look at what a perception is , you know , for example what 's your perception of this ?
24 I mean we 're all , I 'm sure , basically family with what Darwin 's theory of evolution is , and I do n't really want to labour you by reminding you of it , but I think it 's important to appreciate first of all what his problem was erm and I think that it 's fair to say that for Darwin the problem was that as a naturalist he was aware of the fact that animals and plants are adapted to a quite extraordinary degree to their particular ways of life , and indeed many of his books on orchids and earthworms and so on have a great deal to say about the details of these adaptations .
25 Erm but I think that I , what I felt was that I should have the right to be consulted and that every reasonable effort should be made to consult me .
26 However sometimes you can fall into the pitfall of doing things erm because you think that we want to see that .
27 And i and it says that you 've got the wrong ribbon .
28 Sussex is still working on its piece de resistance but I hope that we 're going to get erm what we hope to do together very , very soon .
29 I honestly believe that the rail workers would n't have accepted the one and a half per cent , other workers would n't have accepted the one and a half per cent if they believed that they were on their own that they were gon na fight in isolation .
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