Example sentences of "[unc] [adv] it be [pers pn] 's " in BNC.

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1 If someone a obviously it 's it 's what I 'm asking is hypothetical anyway because I mean the flats are coming down so no one new can move in , but say you actually if if it was possible for other people to move into these flats and you knew someone and they said erm , You know I 'm thinking of moving into Green flats , what would you say ?
2 Aye well we 've all spoken about it before and I mean yo When we were in hospital we spoke together about it and er obviously it 's it 's it 's something you that wo n't really be able to tell unless you give it try .
3 I I heard the other day what I thought was one of the best advertisements not to have an animal for Christmas very emotive , er I think it was for the R S P C A , and I I 'm told I do n't think you 've heard it but it b basically it 's it 's er the sound of a er well it 's a human pretending to be a dog really and saying you know , Well this is nice my my er family have taken me to the vet , I did n't think I was ill but never mind .
4 Er now it 's it 's rather interesting er as an aside , I 'd heard that the Central African mounted police were trying to hire young men of er er at least sound mind and probably tough body .
5 Oh er well it 's it 's well ru Well very well conducted .
6 So er sometimes it 's it 's very erm difficult to re-live these particular experiences .
7 Erm okay it 's it 's a cold call if you like er terms so I mean there 's no get out for me .
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