Example sentences of "[unc] [noun] [vb past] [to-vb] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We heard what Mr er Davis had to say this morning , and at at one point was very very important , we are expecting to be in possession of reports on the greenbelt local enquiry and your report er round about the same time , and indeed since they they are in control of proceedings thereafter they are in a position to make sure that they do n't have to reach decisions on one until they are in possession of the other .
2 A statement from Germany 's Bundesbank seemed to rule that possibility out .
3 There was a pause while Gavin 's duty-neuron struggled to assimilate this information .
4 Tyson 's lawyer wanted to bring some women in or summat , these three women what would say what other , like go against her to say erm that she wou just wanted him
5 Stalin 's KGB managed to process more people through his concentration camps than the Inquisition managed through their courts .
6 Ursula 's concern for Samantha 's safety seemed to eclipse any grief she felt on Maurice 's account .
7 Although clerks were barred by canon law from arms and bloodshed , and indeed were excommunicated for such offences in the thirteenth century , the pervasive propaganda mounted by the clergy in support of the king 's wars served to overwhelm these inhibitions in the early fourteenth century .
8 In August 1917 the war losses concession of the Board of Trade did something to take the edge off a rapidly deteriorating situation and Wilson 's preoccupation with the Labour Party pacifists and the Merchant Seamen 's League tended to keep such matters off the pages of The Seaman .
9 The putative father of a boy of two was ‘ banned ’ by a High Court judge from seeing his child ‘ grow up ’ because the boy 's mother planned to marry another man and in the words of Mrs Justice Heilbron ‘ The boy might suffer emotional upheaval by having two fathers ’ ( The Times , 23 March 1988 , p. 3 ) .
10 The label ‘ hard look ’ developed in essence because the United States ' courts began to desire more control than allowed by this limited test .
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