Example sentences of "[unc] [noun] [prep] [pron] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Ea expression level obtained with the Long construct mice approaches the actual ratio of that seen in BALB/c mice of one times the expression level per genomic copy of the Ea d gene .
2 Smashed his wing mirror , look jam a glass in it , er sock in it to stop the glass falling out .
3 The drum taps seek to restore the drum whose loss in modern drama is stated at the end of ‘ The Beating of a Drum ’ , while the striking suggestion that the choral passages ‘ to have a noise like a street drill ’ corresponds to Eliot 's praise of Le Sacre du Printemps for its uniting the noises of primitive and metropolitan life .
4 Er this is alright we 've done it informally in the past , you know I 've talked to many clients some of which I handle some of which I do n't and always the question is er are we giving erm a service that we can improve on , if you look dealing with er are there any points you 'd like to raise with me , all these sort of questions but it 's all very unstructured er and sometimes it 's er er results in us having an action plan emerging , sometimes not .
5 He has persuaded the new Armed Forces minister , Jeremy Hanley , to see a delegation next week to hear Chester 's case for it to have the new centralised pay and personnel centre .
6 First my father 's plans for my marrying a French princess , precluded my offering you anything more than a clandestine attachment — and now , with the future so uncertain , I fear that clandestine attachment and French princess are each as remote as the other .
7 He took the instrument and listened to Sandy 's heart for what seemed a long time .
8 Some months earlier I had written to Sir Sidney Barton who , fortunately for me , was still British Minister in Addis Ababa , asking him to obtain the Emperor 's permission for me to follow the Awash river through the Danakil country to discover where and how it ended .
9 But Mrs Gandhi never forgave Khan 's opposition to her scrapping the privy purses , and to his regret she did not make him a minister .
10 CD 's reference to his succeeding the experimental philosophical pig who had died from ‘ taking a bath at too high a temperature ’ , and thus falling a victim ‘ to his thirst for knowledge ’ is a jocose allusion to Pliny 's death during the eruption of Vesuvius , which he was trying to study at close quarters .
11 Sylvie 's rancour against her became the measure of her universe .
12 Middleton sought , and obtained , the Company 's consent to his becoming an Evening Lecturer at St. Thomas 's Church in Stockport , a Morning Lecturer at St. Michael 's Church in Manchester , and a Surrogate for Stockport and District .
13 According to the Unemployment Unit 's calculations including them takes the jobless total to more than three million .
14 ‘ People 's ideas of what constitutes a ‘ few ’ differ greatly ! ’ she shot back , consumed by jealousy at the thought of Luke and other women .
15 Or , if the cracker is to be a gift for someone , write the person 's name on it using a metallic pen ( Fig 3 ) .
16 Robert , gasping for breath in his arms , wondered whether Mr Malik 's request for him to give an account of himself was entirely motivated by concern for his staff .
17 Marx 's theory about what causes the historical process has been very widely discussed and we shall return to it again and again in this book , but even at this stage a simple account of it must be given .
18 I was , however , astonished by the Conservative candidate 's comments about my wasting a £500 deposit on the election .
19 The centre-left Social Democrat Party of Brazil ( PSDB ) and other opposition parties resisted Collor 's overtures to them to join a coalition government .
20 They are nevertheless couched in the rhetoric of democracy : they invoke the people and the people 's will as what legitimates the regime , or the policy or the action — which may even be something as arbitrary as a coup d'etat .
21 Mecdi has certainly taken Taskopruzade to mean that Molla Fenari held the posts simultaneously , for he adds to Taskopruzade 's statement about his holding the offices the sentence : " He united the aforementioned posts at one time . "
22 When the war brought an end to Joe 's Palace career he had played 276 Southern League games for us — the highest in the club 's history , but when they are seen in context they assume even greater value , for not only were the maximum possible appearances lower than in our present day ( only one of Johnson 's seasons with us included a 42 match programme ) but goalkeepers were subject to much more physical attention than is permitted today .
23 There is clearly an element of dramatic self-consciousness here , just as there is in Duncan 's account of his affecting the symptoms of old age — " he even started to cup his hands at remarks he could hear perfectly well " .
24 But Dewey 's application of it had a very direct effect on educational practice in the classroom .
25 Since you will hold the seller 's share certificate until you hand it over to the buyer on completion together with a transfer of it to the buyer , it 's for you to prepare the transfer , unless you send the certificate to the buyer 's conveyancers for them to prepare the transfer .
26 The first details we have of the latter , in the Host 's invitation to him to follow the Monk , initially suggest , if we still believe appearances and associations can be a sign of character , that he is as likely to turn out as the threadbare and serious Clerk on his horse " " as leene as is a rake " " does ( I : 284 ) as to prove to be what the Monk has proved not to be :
27 Donwell Abbey remains her ideal of an English country house , but Emma 's view of it recalls the landscape gardener 's perspective .
28 The servility of the old-style caddie may have gone forever , but Sir Henry 's view on what made a good caddie in 1934 , and three years later when he won at Carnoustie , is interesting because it still holds true today in the day and age of the yardage chart : ‘ My caddie Butler was content to jog along all day without speaking unless he was spoken to .
29 It is not in anyone 's interest for you to contact the police yourself .
30 These responses are based specifically upon native speakers ' intuitions about what constitutes a well-formed , coherent narrative .
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