Example sentences of "[unc] [noun] [was/were] like [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Therefore , I must say that Wedgwood 's response was like a breath of fresh air .
2 A Sechem 's mind was like a sponge , soaking up information until a connection could be made between apparently unrelated areas of scientific fact .
3 Roman 's words were like a drug , pouring over her , evoking those helpless , hypnotic feelings of need and desire and hunger all over again .
4 The Ulsterman 's scorn was like a blowtorch , then he turned away , clicked his fingers at Bellybutton , and the two of them were gone .
5 He said that Fatima 's beauty was like the moon and the stars — ’
6 An iron fist in a velvet glove : Victor Gauntlett ( left ) of Aston Martin was ‘ a jolly nice chap in 1980 ’ when the company 's structure was like a museum display , a structure he modernised
7 In fact Pakistan 's triumph was like an Eid , the religious festival which Muslims celebrate with great fervour at the conclusion of Ramadan .
8 Midnight 's arm was like a bar of iron and all her kicking and struggling was useless .
9 But Rohan 's arm was like a steel band round her waist , half lifting her from her feet , and carrying her inexorably to the door .
10 The soldier 's face was like a ghost 's .
11 Behind the slight distortion of the shield , Alexei 's face was like a stranger 's .
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