Example sentences of "[unc] [noun] [verb] [prep] be the " in BNC.

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1 Er Ingleston seems to be the only feasible , er site , where the wi , could be a proposed er rapid rail transit system in operation .
2 It remains the case that library materials are subject to inflation rates well above the national indicators used by government , and the effects of this on the Library 's activities continue to be the subject of discussion between the LAC and RBGE Management .
3 The latest incident happened just half a mile from the previous assault , and the attacker 's description appears to be the same .
4 Gould 's enthusiasm proved to be the kiss of death , for the collection disappeared without trace shortly after his visit .
5 Allan Ahlberg says : ‘ In the past , a lot of children 's books seemed to be the work of talented illustrators whose pictures looked brilliant framed in a gallery , but when you tried to read the book , there was nothing there , because the words started as a coat-hanger to hang pictures on . ’
6 However , through all the long years of the Unix wars , Tivoli 's offering seemed to be the only thing that all the key parties could agree on .
7 And it is believed to have compiled a file on James Gilbey , the Princess 's friend alleged to be the male voice on the ‘ Dianagate ’ tapes .
8 The secret of the film 's success has to be the vibrant characterisation of Mowgli 's jungle friends — creatures like Baloo the Bear , Bagheera the Panther , King Louie of the Apes , Kaa the Snake , Shere Khan the Tiger and Colonel Hathi and his elephant patrol .
9 Dundalk 's plight appears to be the more acute .
10 Emily had read a lot of magazines , she knew that it was perfectly possible for a girl with Nan 's looks to rise to be the highest in the land .
11 In fact , the mention of transverse flutes in Martin 's inventory seems to be the only such example for the Hotteterres .
12 The high point in the ramp 's history has to be the period from 1984 until just before the recent skateboard boom that started around 1986/7 .
13 BR could have come to us at the outset and said , ’ King 's Cross has to be the location for a whole series of railway reasons , but let us talk about how best to ensure that the building of the station has minimal impact on local people and their lives . ’
14 The prisoners ' grievances appear to be the food here and the availablity of prison clothing .
15 However , the gardeners ' bible has to be the Royal Horticultural Society Encyclopedia of Gardening ( Dorling Kindersley , £29.95 ) .
16 In 1874 J. T. W. Mitchell became Chairman of the CWS , and ‘ under his strong hand its activities were , Cole writes , ‘ rapidly developed ; and it was largely due to his personal influence that the ‘ federal ’ principle of consumers ' control came to be the accepted principle of the main body of the Movement . ’
17 The nineteen eighty Employment Act gives the possibility to the employers through the U K to de-recognize legitimate trade unions and these trade union re representatives has to be the most damaging piece of government legislation of the last two decades .
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