Example sentences of "[unc] [adj] [noun sg] is that the " in BNC.

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1 Ormerod 's working hypothesis is that the parasites migrate there to avoid the host 's immune response , which can not recognise foreign invaders that have crossed the blood-brain barrier .
2 Pelling 's central idea is that the value of this concept is variable and its use needs care .
3 Marx 's central contention is that the capitalist economy sows the seeds of its own destruction , that it can not help creating the forces that will destroy it as a product of its own internal contradictions .
4 Norbert Wiener 's basic view is that the ideas of individuals can trigger the larger processes that lead to innovation by their influence on the ‘ intellectual climate ’ in which science , the arts and technology all develop .
5 If we see a character walking along a path to cross the screen say from right to left , and if this shot is immediately followed by one in which the same person is walking along the path from left to right , the viewer 's natural assumption is that the walker has reversed direction and is now returning to his or her starting point .
6 Hoyle 's major assumption is that the school as a social system can be creative .
7 He says the ABRC 's major disappointment is that the level of current funding will ‘ widen the disparity with research budgets in other countries ’ .
8 NACAB 's fourth point is that the present scheme is deficient on grounds of equity .
9 The guiding line of St William 's initial panorama is that the beginning of the decade of the 1990s marks off a new era .
10 Mr. Browne 's first contention is that the P.C.A. documents in the present case fall into essentially the same category as those in Peach 's case [ 1986 ] Q.B .
11 All that happens in Howe 's whiny drama is that the daughter finds out her flamboyant , selfish mother has a tough row to hoe , as her father is declining into senility .
12 United have now taken just three points from a possible 12 and manager Alex Ferguson 's only consolation is that the defeat of rivals Aston Villa at Carrow Road means it is now Norwich who hold a twopoint advantage over them as they go into the last seven games .
13 The film 's biggest problem is that the characters were catapulted out of college in the early Eighties , with forgettable soundtrack to match .
14 The Institute 's main concern is that the new entities should be expressly subject to national legislation governing the activity undertaken .
15 The government 's main concern is that the Taiwanese of 2034 ( forecast to number 25.8m ) will be greyer than the 20.7m of today .
16 Tunstall 's main thesis is that the evidence for concentration of ownership is very weak if one charts ownership across all media fields rather than simply restricting it to the press , radio and television .
17 But Dear and Wolch 's main point is that the daily lives of those dependent on welfare are suffused in largely intangible and invisible ways by the institutions on which they are dependent .
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