Example sentences of "[unc] [noun] on [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This , the clearest public indication to date of Mr Mandela 's views on talks with the government , emerged from an Independent interview yesterday with Albertina Sisulu , who , together with anti-apartheid leaders , met Mr Mandela at his prison house for four hours on Tuesday .
2 EFTA 's 1990/91 budget was set at just over 29,000,000 Swiss francs ( approximately US$23,000,000 ) , with a supplementary budget of SFr3-4,000,000 in view of the secretariat 's workload on negotiations with the EC .
3 Humphrey 's research on workers in the Brazilian motor industry in the 1970s shows that , in this particular case , a group of relatively highly paid workers in a modern sector of the economy did not behave as a labour aristocracy , but took on a vanguard role in providing political leadership for the working class as a whole ( Humphrey 1982 ) .
4 I enjoyed Brian Redhead 's piece on worms in the March edition immensely .
5 Mrs Thatcher said : ‘ We have proposed a global convention — a sort of good conduct guide on the environment for all the world 's nations on problems like the greenhouse effect . ’
6 Senator Warren Barry called Mr Clinton 's plan on gays in the military a ‘ fags in the foxhole ’ proposal , and the chairman of the Fairfax County Republicans , Patrick Mullins , said it gave new meaning to the military warning ‘ watch your rear flank , ’ according to the Post .
7 A call for a year 's freeze on settlements in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip ( with the exception of Jerusalem and the Jordan valley ) was adopted as part of the party 's platform , as was a commitment to a repeal of laws outlawing " contacts with terrorist organizations [ which included the Palestine Liberation Organization-PLO ] " .
8 One of his main contributions has been the extension of last year 's freeze on rises in the uniform business rate , which at £370 million represents a large part of the £1 billion boost for industry .
9 In the present chapter , a brief account of the historical background to contemporary consumption will be followed by a resumé of some of the approaches to this issue found in various disciplines , one of which , the tradition stemming from Veblen 's work on goods as the expression of social differentiation , will be discussed in more detail .
10 Britain also sought American help in dealing with the unilateral declaration of independence by the whites of Southern Rhodesia in 1965 in the face of the Wilson government 's insistence on safeguards for the rest of the population .
11 GERALD BRODRIBB 'S article on wicketkeeper-bowlers in the February issue and Jack Burrell 's interesting letter on the same subject in March reminds one that another wicketkeeper able to turn over a respectable arm was Warwickshire 's Geoff Humpage , whose most unusual bowling feat occurred in the Warwickshire v Gloucestershire match at Edgbaston in 1980 .
12 The Authority 's lead on matters concerning the character , range and balance of the primary curriculum as a whole , therefore , was inadequate .
13 On Jan. 8 , United Kingdom aid agencies grouped in the Disaster Emergency Committee launched a " Crisis in Africa " appeal , raising record donations , despite fears of " donor fatigue " and the effect of the media 's focus on events in the Gulf .
14 If we consider how intonation may be studied in relation to discourse , we can identify two main areas : one of them is the use of intonation to focus the listener 's attention on aspects of the message that are most important , and the other is concerned with the regulation of conversational behaviour .
15 The five Moorsbus operators have agreed to accept each other 's tickets on services within the park in an effort to encourage greater use of the new services .
16 Success is when you achieve your target 20 per cent return on assets at the year 's end .
17 THE DECISION to levy a 12 per cent tax on tickets for the national lottery for charities , the arts and sport drew an angry response from a national charities group .
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