Example sentences of "[unc] [noun] that [det] of the " in BNC.

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1 We 've , we 've got the erm , we 've got the six hundred organizations running so far about three thousand events , probably a few more if you count every single er course that some of the training schools are running but in terms of key events I 'm very confident in being able to say there are three thousand events running around the country about half of which are new and that 's the important thing so about fifteen hundred new and inaugural events that did n't go on last year or the year before Belinda the R Y A Public Relations Officer has been coordinating the public relations campaign and these days to get the young pe young people and those young people whose parents do n't sail because it 's to get at the people whose parents do sail , you 've actually got to get in the media and er we 've been on Blue Peter , we 've been on Going Live another children 's programme on a Saturday morning and
2 Er well Madam Deputy Speaker I think erm that the last half an hour shown that er the quality of debate in this house er remains extremely high and that even when you have an issue which on the face of it looks to be as dry as dust er that er there are some honourable members who will pick an argument er when perhaps er on the face of it there ought not to be much of an argument er I ca n't erm I ca n't say that erm I agreed with much of what erm the honourable member for Great Grimsby said er he seemed to imply er quite early on his er speech that most of the City of London er was collapsing in a sea of sleaze and er er other other goings on which are extremely er to be regretted but erm I think we ought to er remind him er that erm , you know , all all of these four orders er followed the Bingham inquiry into er what happened at B C C I which was not a British bank , was an international bank based erm overseas and I think I 'm right in saying this and I 'm sure my honourable friend the minister will confirm when he winds up er this is the first er such difficulty er that we 've experienced for a great length of time .
3 Unfortunately , despite this growing support for a sensitive curriculum stance in educational management strategies , there was little evidence in the writer 's research that some of the lessons available from this source were being exploited by arts staffs of LEAs responsible for professional development .
4 In view of that stated aim , I was surprised to find no mention of Sherwood Idso 's claims that all of the fuss is a result of climatologists barking up the wrong tree , misled by computer models which are all making the same mistake .
5 I was particularly concerned to read your experts ' views that some of the movements in Cindy 's Shape Your Body Workout could strain spinal ligaments and put terrible pressure on knee ligaments .
6 Eastern Bengal 's broad engine works at Saidpur feature two superb examples of inter-war Stephenson 0–6–0 tender heavy goods locos , slightly modified in West Bengal in 1936 I was reliably assured by the works ' superintendent that both of the black-painted engines were recently in steam .
7 Let's hope for Leeds ' sake that some of the doddery old gits in the FA are too scared to give it to Wilko .
8 However , it was not until scientific ornithology began to get into its stride in the l9th century that some of the more remarkable aspects of the cuckoo 's behaviour began to be widely known .
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