Example sentences of "[unc] [noun] to [pron] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But Mrs Gandhi never forgave Khan 's opposition to her scrapping the privy purses , and to his regret she did not make him a minister .
2 CD 's reference to his succeeding the experimental philosophical pig who had died from ‘ taking a bath at too high a temperature ’ , and thus falling a victim ‘ to his thirst for knowledge ’ is a jocose allusion to Pliny 's death during the eruption of Vesuvius , which he was trying to study at close quarters .
3 Middleton sought , and obtained , the Company 's consent to his becoming an Evening Lecturer at St. Thomas 's Church in Stockport , a Morning Lecturer at St. Michael 's Church in Manchester , and a Surrogate for Stockport and District .
4 The centre-left Social Democrat Party of Brazil ( PSDB ) and other opposition parties resisted Collor 's overtures to them to join a coalition government .
5 The first details we have of the latter , in the Host 's invitation to him to follow the Monk , initially suggest , if we still believe appearances and associations can be a sign of character , that he is as likely to turn out as the threadbare and serious Clerk on his horse " " as leene as is a rake " " does ( I : 284 ) as to prove to be what the Monk has proved not to be :
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