Example sentences of "[modal v] just [vb infin] [adv prt] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They 'll just kick up a stink and then it 'll all come out anyway .
2 She 's talks about you if she does n't want to talk about it , she wo n't , she 'll just walk out the room .
3 Oh no , that 'll just shut down the gain and this
4 ‘ If I can take out a £420 loan and have ten years to pay it back , I 'll just pick up the cheque and go out and get ratted , ’ he said .
5 I 'll just pick up the phone and , how 'll I begin ?
6 I 'll just look out the window .
7 At that point he becomes marginally important to my future , and I might just make out a client sheet for him .
8 You know like , if I 'm really thirsty , I could just gulp down a glass of water or a glass of orange , just like that , but with fizzy drinks , I do n't know , I ca n't swallow them very easily , just sort of er ,
9 ‘ AT THE top of Wears Hill we could just make out a signpost , pointing inland to Ashley Chase .
10 The design was n't very clear , but she could just make out a building shaped like a tower , she thought , tracing the outline with her fingertip , and beneath it a flower which might or might not be a rose .
11 As they drew nearer John could just make out a plate on which the number 173 was discernible .
12 I could just make out a figure wheeling a bicycle up the drive .
13 As he ran through the list , he could just make out the wording of the certificate over the mantelpiece : ‘ Ancient Guild of Foresters ’ .
14 In the semi-darkness , Delaney could just make out the Russian 's face .
15 Howarth could just make out the shape of what looked like a small purse , a lipstick , a folded sheet of paper .
16 Looking south , Huy could just make out the shape of the wall surrounding the palace compound , and remembered that quiet and contentment existed in reality for very few , and then only for a fraction of the time one spends under this sun .
17 Briefly , as she followed Lucenzo across the marble floor , she caught a glimpse inside a dark , spacious room where she could just make out the shape of elegant furniture and banners hanging from a painted ceiling lit by the light from the hall .
18 She could just make out the shape of the fork stuck in the ground , the bulbs scattered around as she had left them , and as the moon disappeared behind the clouds she shivered and a feeling of desolation flooded over her .
19 ‘ Do n't see why not , ’ replied Geoffrey , moving through the gloom to a desk on which Loretta could just make out the shape of a lamp .
20 He could just make out the bottom of the iron saucepan in which the mussels were still boiling for his guests .
21 He could just make out the sand dunes now , a blond strip on the far side of the lake , a good ten miles away .
22 The dirty chipped name plate was difficult to read but he could just make out the word Nettles on it .
23 He could just make out the chicken .
24 Behind us we could just make out the glimmer of lamplight from the tiny hotel on Lake Pehoe , where we should be dining on river trout , bife chorizo and good Chilean pinot noir before the night was out .
25 He could just make out the name in spite of the peeling paint .
26 If he squinted his eyes , he could just make out the greyness of the roof between the trees and here and there the stony finger of a chimney-stack .
27 He could just make out the outline of the figure in front of him , sweeping its heavy cape to one side , then something smashed into the side of his head .
28 She could just make out the shepherd resting beneath a tree , and the tranquillity of the scene helped to make her feel less frantic .
29 I could just make out the figure of a boy , running from the house on the right , who was joined by a group of people from the other .
30 A large spider 's web occupied one corner of the room near the ceiling and he could just make out the spider lurking there , quite motionless ; emulating Mr Micawber , waiting for something to turn up .
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