Example sentences of "[modal v] have to be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But I do n't consider that those problems should have to be shouldered by you , and you alone .
2 One can not know completely either the information that was available or the value that should have to be associated with obtaining more information prior to the decision being taken .
3 But , as with Neratius , it is again surprising that words like cupio or opto , which are both entirely in the traditional mould of requesting the trustee to do something , should have to be mentioned at all .
4 Writing of Andrewes ' public life he concludes , ‘ It is a cause of thanksgiving that Andrewes can be convicted of weakness rather than malice , but it is sad that either alternative should have to be attributed to such a man . ’
5 I tell you what erm , that 'll have to be done by that , that cake thing you bought
6 No those 15 trucks and trailers will move from Assab to Desai and they should arrive in Dessi this morning , and then in Desai they 'll have to be transferred to er a certain amount of food to smaller trucks , and we think that the first group of trucks will be just perhaps 5 trucks that will really test the road from Desai up to Waldia in the area controlled by the rebels to see if there really is a safe passage agreement and to see if er there are bridges out on that road or whether there are land mines left on the road , to see if it is actually possible to move food across those lines .
7 The beam 'll have to be changed without a doubt .
8 But I , I , I I ou really I , I know I 'll have to be thrown into the situation of having to do it
9 I did n't mind , but I was a bit dodgy on my leg and once or twice , walking from the gas stove to the sink , I spilt the hot water In the end , he said ‘ I 'm sorry , you ca n't stop here on your own , you 'll have to be looked after ’ .
10 I think it 'll have to be put in the garage and then put in the car once a week or something .
11 Cos these 'll have to be clarified to some degree .
12 There may be points of dispute in which case they 'll have to be settled in court . ’
13 ‘ This is all very interestin' , ’ said the Mayor , ‘ but I ca n't say one way or t' other , it 'll have to be discussed in council and there 's yon bridge to be seen to now .
14 Many of the genes in a family might have to be converted to a new variant before any significant change in the phenotype occurs-but by that time all individuals would have a similar proportion of the new variant and so would be physically very similar .
15 So this survey might have to be done at the beginning of April .
16 40 On this basis , nitrates might have to be cut by more than 25 per cent to achieve a real reduction in leaching .
17 If the line were to go overground from Stratford — presumably along the north London line — that line might have to be upgraded from two to four tracks , with a loss of hundreds of homes in Hackney .
18 ‘ For the sake of the common good , aggressors might have to be placed in a position where they can not cause further harm .
19 It is also conceivable that some constraints might have to be placed upon communications within computer networks .
20 Below another , lower , level , the applicant would normally be refused ( although in some firms this refusal might have to be confirmed by a credit assessor , checking the proposal form for any special circumstances ) .
21 The idea that politics as such might have to be defended against democracy , as some contemporary writers have suggested , would have been incomprehensible to the classical Athenians .
22 Peter Palumbo also hinted that , in the current squeeze , public money might have to be limited to centres of excellence and innovation .
23 Some power was always available — if only through the mythical Ways and Means Act — although it might have to be handled with kid gloves .
24 Sex is a taboo subject for both young and old , and many of the restrictive and repressive attitudes might have to be overcome by both counsellor and counsellee .
25 The report recognized that in hospitals without a psychiatric unit the initial psychiatric and social evaluation might have to be undertaken by staff from the local psychiatric hospital .
26 Apart from the anxiety caused by such uncertainty and the distress concerned , difficult decisions might have to be made about how to proceed .
27 On the other hand , Risk was seen as being a possible focus for dissent on the Board , as someone who would interfere with hard decisions that might have to be made about Distillers , and who would , therefore , behave in a more executive role than had been envisaged , rather than as a figurehead .
28 A decision might have to be made about the number of elderly people for which it is possible to take responsibility in any one family .
29 Mr Moore might have to be sent into space as part of the new government 's ‘ Celebrities in Orbit ’ programme .
30 any sudden crisis might have to be dealt with by key individuals with emergency powers ( power culture ) ;
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