Example sentences of "[modal v] not have [be] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In June 1989 the government refused to grant the fundamentalist Islamic Nahdah movement ( Mouvement de la renaissance ) legal recognition as a political party , on the grounds that by law founders and leaders of parties must not have been convicted of offences warranting more than three months ' imprisonment or six months ' suspended sentence ; 15 Nahdah leaders , although at liberty , still had current convictions dating from September 1987 ( see p. 36633 ) .
2 In order to enter the Temple , one must be pure ; in order to be pure , the boundaries of one 's own body must not have been transgressed with anything impure .
3 The established course of dealing must not have been deviated from on the occasion in question .
4 if the SSR is to close an SPR , the SPR must have been accepted previously by a LIFESPAN user and must not have been closed via another SSR .
5 This caution is reinforced by a second reason , which in practical terms may be of paramount importance , the fear of being the object of a legal action at the suit of parents , guardians , or relatives , who might allege that the patient was neglected , and would urge that the patient 's refusal should not have been relied upon .
6 ‘ Make of it what you want , Clerk , she should not have been sent to Godstowe ! ’
7 To say nothing of the fact that ‘ charity ’ should not have been invoked in this issue , the fact was that the excruciating passion levels broke all records on this outing , bust all guts .
8 The anxiety is often more to do with getting rid of people who have exhausted their gifts , lost their way or , not unheard-of , should not have been appointed in the first place .
9 The dilemma is simple : if the Sistine Chapel 's wall and ceiling were intended to be preserved as form , they should not have been painted with frescoes , it means that someone wanted to remove forever their original architectural character and create something else , which is acceptable ’ .
10 Rights such as these should not have been denied to the public .
11 ‘ He should not have been put in charge of the fund .
12 If the position of the baby is important maybe the two babies in the intervention group who were not held below the introitus should not have been included in the final analysis .
13 In Ashbridge Investments Ltd. v. Minister of Housing and Local Governments the Minister had power to modify a clearance order if he was of the opinion that land should not have been included in it .
14 The creature which should not have been came for her , clawhands jerking .
15 Greenpeace had argued that the commissioning tests , which involve the use of radioactive materials , should not have been allowed before a final decision on the plant 's go-ahead .
16 There was no more objective reason why firearms should not have been used in burglaries and bank hold-ups thirty or sixty years ago than today ; but it ‘ was n't done ’ — until it was discovered that it was done , that you could do it .
17 The ewes and lambs should then be grazed on pasture which , in temperate areas at least , should not have been used by sheep during the previous year .
18 It is no conceded that that figure included matters which should not have been taken into consideration , such as the agency quotes mark-up unquotes and the effect of V A T. Figures making allowance for appropriate deductions but also including what I 've said by Mr to be appropriate increases totalling one hundred and sixty thous one hundred and sixty six thousand two hundred and fifty pounds , are claimed on behalf of the plaintiff .
19 There are only two varieties of western male who routinely and deliberately display what they may or may not have been born with ( rumours of radiator hoses and sockfuls of sand abound ) and they are the matador and the heavy rock 'n' roller .
20 As Stocking has shown , an innovation may be shown to be effective but not adopted widely , whereas another innovation may not have been demonstrated to be effective yet can become widely accepted in practice .
21 Dad may not have been endowed with a surplus of brain-matter , but he was no fool .
22 Promotion and sales may not have been seen as a high status activity deserving of such high level management attention .
23 The progression of understanding of various forms of disease can be traced throughout history : Short sight may not have been understood by stone-age man .
24 It is possible for an aircraft to have several different modes of spinning , and all of them may not have been discovered during the testing .
25 The problem of fascist sympathies among the ranks of MI5 at the outset of the war is entirely ignored , as is the removal in 1940 of its founder and director , Sir Vernon Kell , which may or may not have been connected with that issue .
26 However , there are situations in which the EEG may disclose lateralised phenomena which , because of their very nature , may not have been suspected on other grounds .
27 The second reason why an apparent consent or refusal of consent may not be a true consent or refusal is that it may not have been made with reference to the particular circumstances in which it turns out to be relevant .
28 An individual term may be ineffective in law ; or the terms as a whole may not have been incorporated into the contract in question .
29 He may not have been prepared for what followed .
30 The users may not have been involved to the extent of being able to see the repercussions of the system design they had ‘ agreed ’ with the analyst .
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