Example sentences of "[modal v] not be take [adv] by " in BNC.

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1 But you must not be taken in by McLaren and Honda .
2 Although it may be represented by the participants themselves as ‘ real ’ and ‘ literal ’ , the analyst should not be taken in by appearance which , while necessary for the act of communication , is only an ‘ as if ’ state .
3 If goods can not be taken up by their buyers upon their arrival , many of the advantages associated with air shipments disappear .
4 ‘ Reversionary ’ bonus is added over the term of the policy and once added becomes part of the guaranteed benefits and can not be taken away by Clerical Medical provided the policy is maintained in full force until the end of the term .
5 Once added , the amount can not be taken away by Clerical Medical provided the policy remains in full force until the end of the term .
6 Once added the amount can not be taken away by Clerical Medical provided the policy remains in full force until the end of term .
7 ‘ Reversionary ’ bonus is added over the term of the policy and once added becomes part of the guaranteed benefits and can not be taken away by Clerical Medical provided the policy is maintained in full force until the end of the term .
8 The decompilation right can not be taken away by terms in a licence agreement , any such term being unenforceable at law ( section 296A ) .
9 This right can not be taken away by any terms in a licence agreement but there may be some difficulty with deciding when making a back-up copy is truly necessary .
10 Judgements made in the course of a lecture will be taken down in notes as if they were facts , whereas it is in the nature of critical judgements that they can not be taken over by others ; it is on this dilemma , I believe , that Leavisism ultimately foundered .
11 In the State of Victoria ( Australia ) the Adoption Law gives rights of access to birth parents and in fact a child can not be taken abroad by the adoptive parents without the consent of the birth parent(s) .
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