Example sentences of "[modal v] not [verb] [adv prt] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 It 's our Party and we should not give up without a fight .
2 Businessmen should not set up in a market where they will be powerless to enforce their credit terms .
3 A " slip " , a temporary recourse to the mood-altering substance or behaviour , may or may not lead on to a full-scale relapse .
4 While what he says may not add up to a warning in the strict disciplinary sense , you should be left in no doubt about where you stand .
5 That has already been increased to fou fourteen hundred er you when you 're making your recommendation may or may not come up with a recommendation for a somewhat larger settlement .
6 Mr Rochester is always very popular with the ladies at these parties , so he may not come back for a week or so . ’
7 At the present pace of progress in Brussels , similar changes throughout the EC may not come in for a dozen years or more , and British farmers fear that they will lose business while waiting for European competitors to catch up .
8 The same realization came to the King , pushed towards his precipice by Hardinge harshly telling him that he could not go on without a decision .
9 It was burning , fraying at the edges , riddled with violent cancers of nationalism , spite and greed that could not go on without a climax for much longer .
10 Clearly she could not go out through a locked door — so where is she ? ’
11 So I always had meat during the rainy months when I could not go out with a gun .
12 Sachin Tendulkar moved quickly on to 19 at which stage the Indian was twice put down , first by Mark Nicholas at short cover and then by David Gower who could not hold on to a hot left-handed chance at second slip , the unlucky bowler on both occasions being Connor .
13 However , for the third time this season , Wantage could not hold on to a lead given them in the last five minutes , and allowed Andy Martin to shoot home for the equaliser for Bicester .
14 In Jane 's case , she could not snap out of a lifetime of worry overnight .
15 However , he urged the Government to consider taking the ambulance staff 's pay permanently outside the political arena by setting up a pay review body for ambulance staff Mr Clarke replied the NHS could not end up in a situation whereby group after group took industrial action and were rewarded by arbitration bodies .
16 The evolutionary advantage of this is that the animal need not lie around in a torpid state , vulnerable to attack .
17 The Liberal Democrat leader said : ‘ They are on roads I would not drive along in a Land-Rover when I was sober . ’
18 When Tim helps clients to decorate they have to accept they will not end up with a ‘ decorated ’ house in the London sense of the word .
19 For the fox , use sand or a very light shade of tan ( not too dark or it will not show up on a dark background ) .
20 The flow will not let up for a minute .
21 Says one critic : ‘ You can not advertise shame , ’ says one critic , ‘ and you can not walk up to a prostitute and say ‘ Hey , you , walk off the streets and join other prostitutes in farming ’ . ’
22 And their arousal is so intense that if the owl finally departs they will still go on mobbing for a long while afterwards , as though they can not calm down to a normal level of activity until some considerable time has passed .
23 The first submission by Mr. Ashworth was that a public nuisance can not arise out of a lawful act , whatever its consequences , and as what is complained of here , namely heavy goods vehicles being driven along Medway and Bridge Roads , is a lawful act , no public nuisance can arise .
24 But we we can not It seems to me we can not end up with a blank sheet of paper , and draw a set of criteria up which says it it can be anywhere here .
25 A star with a mass more than about twice that of the sun can not settle down as a white dwarf or neutron star .
26 Students frequently say they have done the recommended reading , taken the necessary notes and reviewed all their materials , but still can not come up with a solution to the problem posed .
27 What , if anything , should disconcert us if we can not come up with a trouble-free definition ?
28 It can not climb back from a vertical drop since it lacks the body diameter of the rabbit .
29 I can not sum up in a few sentences what will be the substance itself of my book .
30 For those who can not get down into a bath at all ( as is the case with many back-sufferers and arthritics ) , a shower fitment at one end of the bath , with nylon shower-proof curtains to pull round inside the bath , is one of the best answers .
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