Example sentences of "[modal v] not [verb] [pron] to the " in BNC.

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1 The space must not contribute anything to the reaction or else modern physics is wrong in so many issues ( which it was at the time ) .
2 But until you consider the amount of money tied up in County Farms , and the return it gives us , and the , the subsidy if you like of so few people , and you think that school ca n't have toilets and things like that , then these should all go into the decision making melting pot , and this council should not blind itself to the various options that there could be , and in those circumstances Mr I think should be allowed to explore the possibilities of the market .
3 The marketing of the man should not blind us to the fact that he is a great artist , unafraid of engaging mass culture .
4 In particular , the image of Germany epitomised by her most famous export , the Mercedes , as a country which is well built , reliable , and which performs well , should not blind us to the fact that the history of the Federal Republic has been a history of scandals , which have reached to the very highest echelons of power .
5 In his Collins lecture of 1984 he described the cultural authoritarianism of Samuel Johnson 's Dictionary of the English Language , whose acuity and precision of definition should not blind us to the fact that ‘ it accomplished the reduction of the language to the written and the written to the literary . ’
6 Whether or not early retirement and high unemployment continue , however , they should not blind us to the need to consider other factors which influence our capacity to care for dependent populations .
7 But this contrast should not blind us to the fact that he could work with Henry to an extent that was impossible with Rufus .
8 Nevertheless , the complexity imparted by the faithful physicalist version should not blind us to the features that distinguish the causal processes in the bees ' brains or whatever from those involved in the swelling after the swipe .
9 However , while it is doubtless true that men pay an emotional price for the power they have , this should not blind us to the power and privileges from which they do benefit .
10 If , in popular music , these take on to some extent an ‘ automatic ’ quality , this should not blind us to the contradictory potentials of such historical continuities .
11 Leaders are only leaders because they have followers ; no leader can for long ignore the views of followers ; and the absence of overt party constraints on leaders should not blind us to the fact that leaders need to anticipate the reactions of their followers if they are to retain a measure of needed support and loyalty .
12 In the Miller 's Prologue , the Miller 's supposed drunkenness should not blind us to the measured good sense and balance of the mind implied within the character who speaks as the Miller .
13 Some hard-pressed commuters may not make it to the end of the line . )
14 A more relevant criticism is that manifesto promises may not address themselves to the country 's real problems .
15 Have to say the planets and do n't forget we 've got to think about other solar systems as well so we 're not let's not limit us to the number , the planets why not .
16 ‘ We were told that we could not add anything to the pedestrian provision after the initial period .
17 He could not put them to the Committee and I look forward to seeing whether they can be put forward tonight .
18 Luke would have said that politically he stood way to the left of his mother and way , way to the left of his father , but somehow he could not reconcile himself to the thought of his mother stocking shelves in Pricewell 's .
19 Unlike the runners or the cuistots , when carrying a wounded man the unhappy musiciens/ brancardiers could not fling themselves to the ground each time a shell screamed overhead .
20 He could not trust them to the dairymaids , because if the cows were badly milked their milk would simply dry up .
21 He need not return them to the seller , who if he wants them must come and collect them , section 36 .
22 The most frequent trigger to that crisis was career blockage , the realization that they , with the vast majority , would not make it to the top .
23 We would not leave it to the discretion of the doctors but , acting on the best medical advice , set down what drugs could be prescribed and those that could not .
24 Why should rebels who would not commit themselves to the support of the state enjoy its fruits ?
25 She would not lower herself to the level he clearly thought suited her .
26 A representative of the newly installed Panamanian government said yesterday that if Panamanian forces found General Noriega they would not extradite him to the US to stand trial .
27 The doctors are appalled by the press , everybody is appalled ; the nurse is freaking out and saying she will not take me to the operating theatre because they will take my picture and harass me ; she is terrified somebody is going to hit her , so in the end my lawyer wheels me because nobody else dares .
28 This emphasis will not commend itself to the English reader whom Herbert Schniedau envisages .
29 We can not leave it to the of individual members , that would produce chaos and could leave to destructive manoeuvring .
30 A worn out slob , he can not accustom himself to the idea of women playing the sport seriously .
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