Example sentences of "[modal v] be [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 When Kenneth MacAlpin decreed that his capital should be moved to Scone he also ensured that the Stone of Destiny went with him .
2 mm er yeah they should be done by Friday I should think cos if all they 're doing is putting a coping edge on it 'll make it look nicer at the back .
3 RUGBY LEAGUE came out of the north of England because a number of Yorkshire and Lancashire businessmen thought that talented lads should be compensated for time they took off from the pit or the plant .
4 More frequently the deposit of a hoard must be dated from coins it contains which are independently datable , if there are any .
5 Yes , stool making , you know I 've got a stool here , I made that stool over there ages ago for me daughter-in-law and this one I can not get it right I 've , I 've , it 's , it 's , I 'm trying I 've got to undo it again there , it 's not right , I think it is because the cord 's too thick , it 's a very thick cord and I 've not got enough stitches you know not enough strands on it , but I 'm gon na do it , it 'll be done before Christmas I 've got to do it otherwise
6 If you 'll be Confirmed in Faith I 'll never ask you to come to the church again .
7 There is a shortage at the moment of food and medicines , er a lot could be done by governments I think to help the Jordanians in that , at the same time perhaps wealthier governments could help poorer governments bring their people home .
8 She felt that if only she could be dressed like Tamar she would win Bob Lamb .
9 But I was thankful when the summer holiday started and I could be released from duties I was finding it harder and harder to cope with .
10 A great number of federal nave ships have congregated in the Kornati National Reserve , and we fear that the area 's unique geomorphology and marine life may be threatened by mines they have left .
11 Although the female may be mated in July she will not give birth until the following May after a gestation period of almost 300 days .
12 If your painting or other work of art has ever been the subject of a theft in the past then you may not now be the true owner even if you bought it in good faith ; you may be forced to hand it back to the original owner , or his heirs , depending on the relevant jurisdiction .
13 So when this tour was advertised and I saw three days would be spent in London I just decided to go , that 's all .
14 Pepita bent back down to her work and checked off another crate of bananas that would be shipped to lands she had never seen and would never see .
15 my Lord all that follows now is that question costs in this my Lord there is no doubt that er this is the painful experience for both the plaintiffs and of course for doctor who is unrepresented and therefore must inevitably feel rather isolated in this matter erm , however in my there is no reason to er depart from the usual principal of the costs which should follow the event and of course we know as it the loss on the subsidiary appeal and so I do n't press the point on that cos the reality as you 've already probably anticipated is all the work has been done erm on this appeal the subsidiary appeal I ask , I do n't ask for costs on that , in my submission it should be both sides bear their own costs on that , the reason I say that is that there was no , there was no cross appearing in respect on it in effect , cos after all , all you were doing was er trying to get the same as the other side if we lost , so no worm of can of beans can be done by doctor I had one parallel in my whole skeleton on that , er , but we have substantially succeeded on the main issue and so I , I would ask that costs in favour of the plaintiffs on , on that and here and indeed below .
16 If money is a problem rewards can be built around things you like doing .
17 Now , the , there , it appears that there 's a whole variety of phenomena er which suggests that sentence divides up in this way and that can be explained on hypothesis we just call such a division a constituent , and then we stipulate that , as certain operations can only apply to constituents .
18 That was not intended … a message can be carried without wires I believe 20 or 30 miles .
19 Certainly I am of the opinion that if such a scheme can be brought into existence it will mean a great enrichment not only of the national life of Scotland , but of the policies and public life of the United Kingdom . ’
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