Example sentences of "[modal v] be [adv] [verb] as [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This safety advice applies even more particularly to sets for use out of doors , which should be clearly marked as suitable for exterior use .
2 They also made a good point , that all timber-frame houses should be formally recorded as such either by the NHBC or on the title deeds , ‘ so that people realise they are living in a timber-frame house and can take professional advice when making alterations ’ .
3 This site-finding format should be continually updated as new problems are encountered .
4 Besides , there had been so much in the Exhibition that might be clearly seen as innocuous , if not actually beneficial to God 's cause .
5 Although there are differences in the method of removal favoured by different surgeons ( Goodall , 1957 ) , it is usual to spare as much of the thalamus , basal ganglia and hippocampal cortex as possible and for this reason Austin and Grant ( 1955 ) , among others , have pointed out that the operation might be better described as hemi-decortication , reserving the term hemispherectomy for those cases in which subcortical structures are also destroyed .
6 However , even after several years , his paces never regained the natural , easy , long-stepping flow they had had as a paddocked youngster ; and his personality could be kindly described as awkward , and certainly was n't to be trusted .
7 There are times when one large room could be better utilised as two smaller ones — such as separating a dining area from a lounge .
8 The aircraft having banked gently without you sensing it , owing to lack of attention , the banked attitude may be wrongly perceived as straight and level .
9 Alterations to the environment required for safety and access to buildings and classroom by pupils with physical handicaps , especially if they are in wheelchairs , may be more easily foreseen , and their need for ramps or lifts instead of stairs , adaptations to toilet facilities may be readily recognised as essential .
10 What has to be decided is which non-meanings may be significantly regarded as existing " in their own right " , and which can not be so regarded ; what conditions must be fulfilled before a claim that a given topic does so exist can be accepted as meaningful ?
11 ‘ Perhaps it would be best described as pearly-grey with a hint of bronze , ’ an army spokesman said .
12 By what unmistakable tokens they would be generally identified as such is questionable : officially they would all be simply Conservatives .
13 With , if only 60 per cent of total current income were equally distributed it would be socially valued as equivalent .
14 These specific figures appear in the Assessment of Resources Regulations and not in the Act , and so can be easily uprated as necessary .
15 The western response to these fears can be generously described as indifferent .
16 The numbers of deaf children are decreasing , and some causes such as rubella can be completely eradicated as medical prevention programmes improve .
17 The post-Comintern Communist Movement , the Socialist International , international Fascist organizations , and the Green movement ( about which more will be said below ) provide the only models we have for such organizations , and none of these can be currently regarded as successful in global terms .
18 This analysis can be significantly extended as any quantity of information may be identified as a node .
19 Each of his three published novels , produced within a specific ideological and cultural context , can be consecutively designated as sectarian ( Antoine Bloye ) , transitional ( Le Cheval de Troie ) , and popular frontist ( La Conspiration ) , 1934 functioning as the line of demarcation .
20 The over-use of interpreters ( e.g. interpreting all day at college for a deaf student ) is probably typical of the early stages of development of the interpreting profession ( Herbert , 1978 ) but one hopes this can be quickly overcome as better provision is made .
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