Example sentences of "[modal v] be [adv] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The blade should be reasonably extended away from the boat 's centreline to gain leverage .
2 they should be actually looking forward to what , if I do these
3 Not that the Manner — which he intended should be so admired later in the week on Parents ' Evening — was particularly in evidence on the Monday , as he sat at his study desk and went over the plans for that event with his wife .
4 Praise and criticism are obvious parts of any interactive teaching material , but the balance must be carefully adjusted both in the initial design and the classroom development of the program unit .
5 The notice required by the Order must be clearly displayed either at the entrance to the hotel or at reception .
6 A product where the dosage must be finely calculated arithmetically from the instruction data provided to arrive at the quantity of product needed required more thought and more decisions than a product dispensed semi-automatically via a dispenser or one which is supplied ready for use .
7 The priests and every item of equipment must be specially set apart for his service .
8 It was obvious that oceanic crust must be continually destroyed somewhere at a rate comparable with that of its creation at the oceanic ridges in order to maintain a balance .
9 ( ii ) at all times at least one share in the body must be so held either by a member who or which is a solicitor or a recognised body and who or which beneficially owns that share ; or by a member who or which holds that share as nominee for a solicitor or for a recognised body or for a receiver appointed under section 99 of the Mental Health Act 1983 in respect of a solicitor .
10 ( ii ) at all times at least one share in the body must be so held either by a member who or which is a solicitor or a recognised body and who or which beneficially owns that share ; or by a member who or which holds that share as nominee for a solicitor or for a recognised body or for a receiver appointed under section 99 of the Mental Health Act 1983 in respect of a solicitor .
11 Even so , this is still largely an unmapped terrain , and the research strategy adopted here is one which aims to clarify some of the issues involved in inter-agency work and to identify areas of work in which it might be usefully advanced together with the limits and obstacles to its development .
12 Any'ow it 'll be all cleared away by the time she gets 'ome . ’
13 It could be conveniently set aside in the changed circumstances after James V 's death , when the real issue became clear .
14 Motion control was required in order to ensure that a whole variety of models , photographed separately against blue screen , could be exactly slotted together in composite shots to create fast dogfights between space vehicles , for instance .
15 Side by side with the suspicion that Masailand somehow emasculated its administrators , there grew up in East Africa a conviction that the proud Masai could be successfully handled only by the finest type of Englishman , whose qualities of honesty and good judgement they instinctively recognized and respected .
16 All members of the central team at Merrion House ( the Education Department 's offices ) were severely stretched in terms of both time and the range of roles they were expected to encompass , and it was therefore inevitable that some aspects of their job could be successfully accomplished only at the expense of others .
17 The Tynecastle influence on Roxburgh 's thinking could be further strengthened today by the inclusion of John Robertson to play in attack beside Ferguson .
18 The policy of the 1870s was relaxed due to awareness of the hardship inflicted — those reduced to the extreme of applying for poor relief even in 1870 were those with no other resort , and their numbers could be further reduced only by increasing their hardship .
19 It studies ‘ snapshots ’ of the successive positions , and so discovers specific points of contact with coincidentally present blocks ( such as D ) which will interrupt the fall that would have been predicted by a theoretical physicist from equations and measurements describing A and B. As in this case , many detailed relations between blocks are implicit in the diagrammatic representation which could be explicitly stated only with the greatest difficulty .
20 It also created a circulating draught which could be faintly felt all around the fireplace area , coming to its peak on the back of the neck of the person unwise enough to be sitting on the right of the grate .
21 It relies instead on a political theory about the legitimacy of private power and the conditions subject to which that power may be exercised : a theory that contends that power may be legitimately held only for the purpose of furthering the public good .
22 The island abounds in pleasing scenes , and a season may be well spent there by those who desire to live near city comforts .
23 Modelling will tend to mask small but important variations which may be adequately understood only by local research .
24 But it is possible to believe that the idea of ventriloquism which lies at the heart of it may be successfully applied both to some sorts of contemporary author and to some of what went before .
25 Even in the private sphere , however , Hart modified Mill 's principle by justifying a degree of paternalism , since there are those who may be seriously harmed even with their own consent .
26 SIR — As the Labour Party can not be trusted to display the red rose without it withering , may we have it back again in time for St George 's Day , April 23 , so that it may be proudly worn again by loyal Englishmen .
27 The pistol would be discreetly locked away in a cupboard .
28 Essentially being three games for the price of one ( a beat-'em-up , an arcade adventure and a shoot-'em-up ) Flash is a product that would be well received even in these advanced Commodore days .
29 Meredith supposed Harriet would be fully committed socially over the Christmas period but she wanted to offer some token of hospitality , so she went across the road after breakfast and asked if Harriet would like to come over to lunch .
30 This was justified on the grounds that , having failed to get into grammar school , I would be educationally disadvantaged further by attending the local comprehensive .
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