Example sentences of "[modal v] i [verb] [conj] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 May I suggest that the government abolish forthwith the Foundation for Sport and the Arts , and replace it at once by a Foundation for Gardeners , Handymen , Babysitters and the Arts .
2 May I suggest that the college direct its attention to providing adequate parking facilities for the students already attending existing courses ? ’
3 May I suggest if the thing is worn out it will help us to jump the last hurdle .
4 Further to the very unsatisfactory replies that the Minister has given not only to me but , earlier , to my hon. Friends the Members for Glasgow , Pollok ( Mr. Dunnachie ) and for Carrick , Cumnock and Doon Valley ( Mr. Foulkes ) , may I ask whether the Government consider the Indonesian occupation of East Timor to be illegal ?
5 In deploring this latest IRA atrocity , and hoping that those responsible will be brought to justice — like all those , from both sides in Northern Ireland , who carry out squalid murders — may I ask whether the Secretary of State agrees that it is important that we do not play into the hands of the Provisional IRA by following policies which , although the IRA deny it , they want for propaganda purposes in the Republic of Ireland and the United States ?
6 Bearing in mind that encouraging answer , may I ask whether the Minister considers that the worsening drought in southern Africa may have implications for the process of democracy in Africa ?
7 May I add that the promotion of fast cars and reckless driving by the media is not good for the youngsters attracted by such aspects ?
8 May I submit that the Aussie cricketers of this year had it and our lot did n't .
9 Sir , — In reply to the letter headed Ugly anti-hunt shock tactics , may I say that the aim of the Surrey Wildlife Protection Group is to enlighten the public to the true facts , by displaying posters and handing out leaflets .
10 Erm should I , should I wait till the pain 's
11 Thanks very much Alan , before we move on to the agenda colleagues , er could I announce that the collection yesterday for the Burnstall strikers realized a magnificent sum of five hundred and forty-nine pounds .
12 Erm could could I suggest that the committee might like er to ask me to right to the W I to thank them for getting a new piano ?
13 I will say in moving that , would I note that the property services , the property sub- committee I should say , is receiving a further report on recommendations on how to preserve the long-term viability of the estate , which I consider to be the right priority , erm , the long- term viability of the estate is essential for the value both as an estate and for the value of it er , to us should we need to dispose of any of it for development land in the future .
14 Work out indicators of success by answering the question ‘ How shall I know that the end result has been successfully achieved ? ’
15 Can I say that the purpose of the E I P is to examine the various issues that have been id identified for discussion .
16 ‘ What can I say that the General does n't know ?
17 Can I ask if the sum is ninety thousand ?
18 If demand is higher than expected , can I object if the manufacturer asks another producer also to make the same product ?
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