Example sentences of "[modal v] to be [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Well first of all I 'd go down Street and up Street West and up to the top of Street and there was some puddling furnaces , the new side iron works and I 'd watch those men they 'd produce wrought iron and during the process the metal boils up and I 'd have to get a big rubbling bar and rubble they 'd call rubble into a ball , there 's a little wagon put underneath the put under the wagon and off he goes to the steam hammer , now I used to be fascinated with this and Saturday after Saturday I used to go up there and watch one of the heats and as soon as they 'd finished doing they used to go into the Forge and Hammer for a drink , I mean it was such hard work so they 'd do a heat go up the Forge and Iron and come back and then do another heat when I 'd
2 and th we used to be visited by some of their people
3 I always see him riding about up the Steven there he 's always up there I know when I used to work for it was always Steve who used to be riding to this farm , riding to that farm , checking on this , checking on that and taking the wages round that sort of thing .
4 In the old days , with casein , it used to be said of some of the aircraft in the tropics that they were held together by the assembly brads .
5 He said never been and I used to be going like this to you .
6 Standard English used to be restricted in this way : if we look at Standard English as an historical dialect , then we find that 200 years ago it had a much smaller number of speakers in England , and had nothing like the geographical spread it has nowadays .
7 It used to be thought by many scientists that the armoured plates stuck outwards , as in Stegosaurus , in order to hit enemies approaching from the side .
8 Any horses that died in College went to ‘ old Cross ’ for salvage to reduce the charge to clients , and it was pleaded that a proper post-mortem examination ought to be made of all these animals .
9 Looking at Durham Cathedral , the Cardinal pointed out that the Church is not just concerned with beautiful buildings but also the dignity of the individual — ‘ I think we ought to be inspired by those saints of Anglo-Saxon England , to do in our day what they did in theirs .
10 What the Common Foreign and Security policy represents is not a realistic and objective response to Europe 's security needs , but the establishment of a unified European foreign policy in principle because it is felt that the European Union , as an ‘ independent ’ entity , ought to be served by such a policy .
11 The argument developed in this chapter is that insider dealing is undesirable and ought to be regulated at all levels ; that the prohibition of the practice has a rational basis ; and that many of the arguments advanced by those who favour unfettered insider dealing are seriously flawed .
12 In this epistle he indicates that he himself , at the time of writing , is a solitary attracted by the disciplined life of service in a religious order , but does not feel any burning conviction that that is his calling : I confess , alas , that I do not feel that burning spiritual desire for entry into religion , inspired by that divine grace , as it ought to be felt by those who from zealous devotion and pure desire of the mind plan to enter religion …
13 Adjudicative authorities , one might say , are precisely those in which the role of the authority is to judge what are the reasons which apply to its subjects and decide accordingly , i.e. their decisions are merely meant to declare what ought to be done in any case .
14 A reduction in interest rates will result in a fall in the size of this subsidy , and the phasing in of a cash ceiling approach ought to be timed to such a favourable point in time .
15 Anyway , scientific evidence ought to be tested like any other evidence . "
16 The courts could systematically substitute their choice as to how the discretion ought to be exercised for that of the administrative authority ; they would in other words reassess the matter afresh and decide , for example , whether funds ought to be allocated in one way rather than another .
17 It may not be the first thing at the top of our minds when we 're , when we 're checking the thing but I think it ought to be checked for that .
18 Light the paraffin stove now , he thought , crouching uncertainly with a box of matches , wondering if it ought to be propitiated in some way .
19 Good practice is conceptually and empirically problematic , and ought to be treated as such .
20 I am unable to see why equitable assignments , with this fall-back declaration of trust , ought to be treated in any way differently for compensation purposes than if in place of assignments there had been simple declarations of trust .
21 where did I , I 'm not sure whether I ought to be getting into this but I will .
22 This condition ought to be seen by all to be quite ridiculous and unacceptable , but it is all too common .
23 In my opinion , moreover , if the answers to both those questions are in the affirmative , leave ought to be given for such a substantive hearing unless , taking into account the other matters to which I have referred , the court is clearly of the opinion that such further proceedings would not be in the child 's best interests .
24 But it was agreed was it not that er there ought to be coupled with that , it seems appropriate when you 're talking about water supplies .
25 And it seems to me that in order that that ought to be reflected in any revised wording of the of the policy that the development should be permitted unless it would could demonstrable harm .
26 He said that he thought all the scientific evidence ought to be agreed by both sides before the trial . "
27 I have constructed a kitchen out of flatpacks with only one minor nervous breakdown and one remarkable shouting match involving my wife , her mother , myself and how a length of pine beading ought to be attached to several wall cupboards .
28 If students are to be assessed on this aspect of their performance , it ought to be included in any teaching programme and in the teacher 's objectives .
29 The arguments which ought to be used by each side to explain why they support or reject these provisions are set out opposite .
30 The content of the poem ought to be taken with several pinches of salt , partly because it belonged to the genre of boasting poem known as the gap which was a standard form of troubadour verse , and partly because William liked to mock himself as well as others .
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