Example sentences of "[modal v] not be [prep] [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I should n't be at all surprised if he did n't fancy me , thought Jenny .
2 The elder one is particularly interested in science and I should n't be at all surprised if they do n't become scientists
3 Although some children may be capable of finding there are the same number of things in two sets ( by matching ) , they may not be at all sure there are still the same number of the objects if one of the sets is differently arranged .
4 The result of all this is that because of the divergence of Belfast English from other varieties and the internal divergence within it , we do not know beforehand what is the correct lexical input to any phonological variable , we do not necessarily know what the variants of the variable are , and we may not be at all certain about what precisely might count as a variable .
5 But there is little room for a comprehensive view , though it gives the generalists a basis for comparisons which may not be at first apparent .
6 Not all who reach midlife have parents still living , and those who do may not be on such happy terms with them .
7 Klemperer 's live account of Mahler 's Kindertotenlieder with the same orchestra may not be in such good sound , but with Kathleen Ferrier as soloist this is another important document , and it is coupled with an unrivalled version of Brahms 's Liebeslieder-Walzer from the 1952 Edinburgh Festival .
8 If he was entertaining visitors , he might not be at all pleased to have her arriving uninvited on the doorstep .
9 People boasted to journalists , it might not be at all difficult to get Tim to say exactly what had happened on the Jonquil the night Sabine Jourdain was killed .
10 She could n't be at all sure that giving in to such an impulse would have the desired effect .
11 for this reason , pre-ordering of relations ( strictly , tuples need not be in any pre-defined order in the relational model ) and the use of indexes to increase speeds of particular accesses , are both options in many DBMS to improve their overall performance .
12 If it could be shown that , as some holists contend , those individual actions , decisions and choices which are appealed to in explanation , are themselves the causal outcomes of various larger states of social affairs , then individuals would not be of any special interest .
13 Obviously the car must contain some high-ranking officer , probably a general , who would not be at all pleased to find an important branch of M.I.9 in the process of closing itself down for the weekend early on a Saturday morning .
14 In this situation an international socialist conference demanding peace short of victory would not be at all helpful .
15 ‘ I am bitterly disappointed , for Aunt Emily says that it would not be at all proper for me to come to Trelorne and that I was very wrong to let you think that I might .
16 There was a blaze in her eyes that had not been there before and he could see at once that she would not be at all manageable .
17 It seems to me it would not be at all difficult to cheat .
18 It would not be at all difficult to imagine this person running from here to the farm and back again without pause for breath .
19 I would not be at all surprised if the story had been put out by Goreng or his superiors .
20 In a good year a gathering of twenty pounds would not be at all unusual of the largest and most succulent imaginable .
21 If the painter were to use the same intensity of blue for the sea both near and far then the effect would not be at all realistic .
22 If we did that , there would be much less of a problem and we would not be in such deep water with the European Commission .
23 Perhaps these people feel , as do members of the local communities , that the coastline would not be in such urgent need of ‘ protection ’ were it not for the imminent threat of creation of a housing development , larger than the existing village of Dirleton , adjacent to it .
24 ( If she were alive now , Lily thought , I would not be in this sorry mess … )
25 Bob and I had all sorts of schemes for us all to meet , including asking you to come to Edinburgh as a halfway house , but we realised that actually that is rather more than halfway for you , and would n't be at all easy .
26 It is n't designed for high volume output , but I would n't be at all upset to have one adorning my desk .
27 I would n't be at all impressed with it .
28 You would n't be at all important to us .
29 " I would n't be at all surprised .
30 I have some very good leads on where these people might be , and I would n't be at all surprised if some of them were still alive .
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