Example sentences of "[modal v] not be [verb] [prep] one " in BNC.

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1 Discussion between the team leader and his surveyor must take place as the monitoring process should not be done by one person in isolation .
2 Any information on parents should not be passed from one school to another .
3 Various computer assisted scanning devices have improved the results , and the European Community Haemangioma Working Party has stated that an argon laser should not be used without one of these devices or to treat children .
4 Although a common form of procedure for research is being recommended here it should not be thought for one moment that a hard and fast programme is being suggested to which every research enquiry should conform .
5 A cautious Mrs Gillian Shephard , the new Employment Secretary , said yesterday that too much should not be read into one set of figures before adding that they and a series of other favourable statistics may offer ‘ glimmers of hope ’ on the jobless front .
6 However , KPMG Head of Corporate Recovery Tim Hayward cautioned : ‘ Too much should not be read into one quarter 's figures , particularly given the distortion that holidays can make to the third quarter .
7 But Carl Prean may not be accommodated on one issue , the exclusion of German Bundesliga results , which account for most of his successes .
8 It paid dividends for Rogers , who could not be classed as one of the longest drivers .
9 On the other hand the production of separate leaflets can be staggered and additions and alterations can be made at any time quickly and less expensively ; and some leaflets , which require no alteration from year to year , need not be reprinted for one or two years .
10 We would not be disagreeing with one another any more .
11 His reported reaction was that if his order could answer a hundred heretics a year , they would not be beaten by one Catholic .
12 He never writes a memo saying you know we are supporting or attacking this government as about this election campaign , never , but journalists know what his view is and they write in a code with that view and if they did n't they would quickly find out where they should be and it would not be working for one of those newspapers and the thing that 's quite perverse about it is the .
13 Jack would be very much surprised if his friend would n't be living in one of those houses in Ploughman 's Lane like the one where he sometimes did electrical jobs with real old French furniture and real oil paintings and the kind of china you looked at but did n't eat off .
14 The product will initially be available for FDDI only , but according to Mike Patricks , DEC 's wide area networking marketing manager , the switch is capable of accepting an Asynchronous Transfer Mode module , and its multi-switching capability means that it will not be limited to one device .
15 But that much money will not be paid in one lump sum .
16 Yeah you wo n't be playing with one another .
17 If this interpretation of the function is correct , that is , if is in reality a disequilibrium adjustment mechanism , then it can not be treated at one and the same time as a trade off relation .
18 The key criteria are that a person has a range of needs that can not be met by one agency alone and his or her ability to live independently is in jeopardy .
19 On the other hand , Roger can not be ranked as one of the episcopal supporters of Simon of Montfort [ q.v . ] .
20 The various animal-plant interactions can not be isolated from one another , therefore .
21 This network can not be expressed by one hierarchy .
22 It will be argued that every event of the war can not be covered in one volume , but it seems strange that Brown saw fit to include a chapter on the making of the film of the Somme .
23 The finding that the smooth muscle MHC gene encodes multiple isoforms suggests that the proteins originally designated as SM1 and SM2 MHC probably represent multiple forms which can not be separated by one dimensional SDS-PAGE analysis .
24 their demand for control can not be restricted to one of self-government within the enterprise , but it will have to aim at the development of a complex institutional system that will be able to strike a balance between the need for worker autonomy within the enterprise on the one hand , and the need for economic co-ordination at higher economic levels on the other .
25 The allegation in the information should not be " assault and battery " , which is bad for duplicity ( the legal phrase for saying that two separate offences can not be contained in one charge ) , but " assault and beat " or preferably " assault by beating " , both forms constituting only one offence .
26 It is an interesting book to dip into , but it can not be read at one sitting .
27 However , when a distortion can not be removed from one market it is not generally efficient to ensure that all other markets are distortion-free .
28 Liberty can not be delegated , it can not be enjoyed at one remove .
29 The balance-of-payments problem plainly can not be reduced to one of ‘ how to pay for essential imports ’ .
30 We must keep constantly in mind the idea that since these two aspects of the body are on different and incommunicable levels of being , they can not be reduced to one another .
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