Example sentences of "[modal v] not [be] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Coun Jim Knowles said : ‘ We all knew that this proposal would not go through , and it is now clear that we should not be pursuing a policy of closing schools . ’
2 The mummified corpses , which Sadat decreed should not be made a spectacle of , include those of Seti I , Segnere III and Ramses II .
3 That the archbishop of the prestigious see of Milan , graced by St Ambrose and St Charles Borromeo , should not be made a cardinal looked like a deliberate snub .
4 But as I say , he unselfishly insisted that he should not be given a place on any scheme in which he had n't taken a personal part .
5 emphasized that persons should not be given a right to attend eg. the Press , who could state that they were very interested in embalming .
6 There is no reason at all why an organization should not be serving a range of markets with a range of products as long as this is deliberate and not accidental .
7 While I am far too gentle and decent a person to criticise any Opposition Member who has joined in the expressions of appreciation of this action , I have to say , in the kindest possible way , that if the defence policies to which the Opposition subscribe — I include all the Opposition parties — were implemented , we should not be ordering a rowing boat , let alone three frigates .
8 The Centre for Policy on Ageing campaigned heartily about this , arguing that this ancient , centuries-old right , steeped in Anglo-Saxon tradition , should not be denied a quarter of the nation 's adult citizenry .
9 However , there has been considerable controversy over the meaning of the link between events and depression — whether in fact the existence of a psychosocial stressor makes a depressive response so understandable that it should not be considered a disease .
10 ‘ One culture should not be allowed a swamp the organisation ’ ( Handy ) .
11 One answer sometimes given is that they are not , because a driver who overtakes on a bend , knowingly taking the risk that there is a car travelling in the opposite direction , should not be labelled a murderer if a collision and death happen to ensue .
12 Is n't this going to make it difficult now , I mean with jobs the way they are , does this mean tat people can come in from erm E C countries and er there is no reason why they should n't be given a job erm against somebody who lives in this country ?
13 Towards the end of the demonstration , Hinsley leant back and said ‘ of course there 's no reason why the fridge should n't be doing a bit of your mandelbrot . ’
14 Towards the end of the demonstration , Hinsley leant back and said ‘ of course there 's no reason why the fridge should n't be doing a bit of your mandelbrot . ’
15 The man may or may not be earning a wage ; he may not understand the particular needs of the children .
16 If the body is a small one , the younger hunters may not be given a share .
17 He 's the best of the lot , I mean , it may not be saying a lot ,
18 Perhaps sometime I 'll be able to devise a way round my official non-existence and apply for a gun myself , though even then , all things considered , I might not be granted a licence .
19 ‘ I 'm upset , as you put it , because you did n't even have the courtesy to warn me that I might not be giving a lecture that 's due in eight days ’ time .
20 She could not bind herself personally , with the result that she could not be made a bankrupt , unless she was carrying on a trade .
21 And here was I , thinking you could not be building a roof without nails .
22 Meanwhile the British began to drop hints to American diplomats to the effect that , while they wished to remain a Middle Eastern power , this could not be considered a certainty without some assurance of American support .
23 He could not be considered a priority case , but officer Ms Jayne Gardener managed to find the bed and breakfast place in Middlesbrough .
24 At present the statement must be given no later than 13 weeks after employment commences , but part-time workers who work less than 16 hours a week need not be given a statement until they have been employed for five years and worked eight hours or more a week .
25 ‘ No , ’ he smiled apologetically , ‘ I 'm afraid you would not be given a hearing . ’
26 I should make it clear that my construction did not depend upon the children of the staff taking up surplus places in the sense that if there were sufficient fee paying pupils , the staff 's children would not be given a place .
27 The military were firmly in control of the government , and the Freedom parties would not be allowed a voice in any discussions .
28 In September he announced that the Nationalist councillors would not be attending a Battle of Britain commemoration service in St Columb 's Cathedral : ‘ We simply had no part in this , ’ he said .
29 The following June , Eddie McAteer said that the Nationalists would not be attending a ceremony conferring the freedom of the city on The Honourable The Irish Society .
30 We would not be attending a funeral service unless someone we knew well had died .
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