Example sentences of "[modal v] not [verb] [pers pn] with [det] " in BNC.

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1 Because I think that there should be no reason why the Q S should n't provide you with that service in the same way as he provides anybody else Jim .
2 She could not associate him with any loss of dignity , or credit , or grace , not because he felt these too nearly and jealously , but because he wore and used them with as little thought as the breath he drew , and they were as natural a part of him , and like breath , when they left him they would leave him dead .
3 Political theories could not provide him with any answers .
4 Oh this is this is you here is it ? the other side of the , cos I know when we tried to take photo 's off John , tried to take photo 's of John on the television because he could n't do it with all the flash or .
5 YES , but with the right professional help to smooth your path it need not present you with any problems .
6 He was out again early ; too early even for the car to have been ticketed yet , as he found when he got in and turned the engine over to be sure that the cold and damp of the early hours would n't leave him with any last-minute problems .
7 calculation and the land-take calculation so it would n't present us with any erm particular
8 ‘ You ca n't fool me with all that John Smith nonsense ! ’
9 They ca n't fool me with that ‘ powdering my nose ’ act .
10 ‘ I ca n't compare her with any of the top horses I 've trained because I just do n't know how good she is .
11 ‘ Well at least I 'll get them into the kitchen for you , I ca n't leave you with all this mess , can I Chrissy ? ’
12 He ca n't handle it with all this swearing can he ?
13 he said he ca n't hear you with that on
14 And she wo n't bewilder me with all sorts of complicated science .
15 Oh no wo n't see it with that flipping big collar on my school shirt !
16 I wo n't bore you with all my personal and professional distractions .
17 I wo n't bore you with all the usual shit that you must hear every day of the week … how absolutely wonderful it all is , blah blah blah , and the clichéd ‘ Any time you 're in New York ’ line . ’
18 I wo n't bore you with those .
19 She wo n't charge me with more than my due , nor will she let that lad pay for a death I 'm sure he does not owe .
20 An observer at a distance from the black hole can measure only the outgoing particles , and he can not correlate them with those that fall into the hole because he can not observe them .
21 I can not accept it with any great tranquillity .
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