Example sentences of "[modal v] have [vb pp] [adv prt] with [det] " in BNC.

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1 Why the Scots in general , and the sea-fishermen in particular , should have put up with this monstrous injustice is hard to understand , but the insult has now been compounded to a degree which surely demands some national response .
2 Officially 20 acres of arable land was regarded as standard , but with some of it left fallow each year , many people must have got by with much less in practice , for in East Anglia , c .
3 However , while most Arab states might have gone along with this ( if only to worst Abdallah ) , it was clear that Jordan would not contemplate the loss of the gains for which it had gone to war .
4 Now if you had said that to some of those folk outside Jesus , I could have gone along with that .
5 Only somebody as naive and unworldly as Ianthe could have come out with such a disconcertingly honest statement , thought Penelope , who had of course wondered even more .
6 If we 'd have started off with this it would have given us twice what we got .
7 Boll would be in the Directors ' dining room , Basil would have gone to see his cronies in A area , Wayne would have gone out with those as young and limited as himself to the Hind 's Head in the village , Carol would be in the canteen wittering with the other Clerical Assistants and her husband .
8 And a drifter would have come out with any soldiers that was coming home on leave and that .
9 Or the quarry would have carried on with this slate mine .
10 I am sure that I would have got on with both men , famously well .
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