Example sentences of "[modal v] have [verb] [prep] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Of course I did n't say anything , but I must have reacted in some way and it got through to him , because he seemed more relaxed from that point on .
2 Then he wondered if he was capable of putting what he must have heard to some use .
3 His personal effects were valued at less than £1,000 , but the family must have lived in some style , since one of the witnesses to the will was the resident coachman .
4 His appeal must have met with some response because although some hundreds of people did leave for Fort-de-France , many hundreds more sought refuge in St Pierre itself , flocking in from the surrounding countryside , so that on the morning of 8 May , as many as 30,000 people were probably crowding the town .
5 He wondered why Pinkie mentioned Laura , then realised with sinking heart that she was no longer keeping her discontent to herself and the echo of it must have travelled for some distance .
6 She supposed she must have risen at some point to light a candle on the mantlepiece .
7 Why she was here , she could n't imagine ; but her head was clearer than it had been in a long time , which meant that she must have gone for some hours without any kind of an injection .
8 Rather , they recognise that such ‘ nonstandard dialects are highly structured systems ’ and that ‘ the adult or child who uses these rules must have formed at some level of psychological organisation clear concepts of ‘ tense marker ’ , ‘ verb phrase ’ , ‘ rule ordering ’ , ‘ sentence embedding ’ , ‘ pronoun ’ and many other grammatical categories which are essential parts of any logical system ’ ( ibid. p. 45 ) .
9 After a while , the villagers suspected that their priest must have stumbled across some sort of treasure , for how else could the funding of his good works be explained ?
10 His way into the sport was typical of the drivers of his generation : not having any money of his own , and his parents being both unwilling and unable to finance a career on which they must have looked with some distaste , Hunt had to start where he could : in the event , with a stripped-down Mini in which he learned the rudiments of the sport .
11 A line of pikemen must have looked like some kind of rampaging porcupine . ’
12 Despite the constant temptation to misuse an artist 's name , there seem to be very few cases where the customer was actually deceived , although this surely must have happened with some pirate or bootleg records .
13 The network of shires and hundreds brought royal government to all landowners of any substance , and must have acted as some kind of counter-weight to the influence of local lords and feelings of local separatism .
14 She had smelly white plastic miniskirts with heavy steel chain belts that must have belonged to some fetishist , and acrylic ribbed halter-tops clinging to her almost concave tits .
15 And then if er you want a so solicitor with you on that day we 'll have to come to some arrangement with you privately about the costs .
16 Well we 're just I 'm just we might have to ask for some money for it .
17 Now then , if the council could , could 've come to some agreement and put in there , it would of made it right for us , now , you see we 've done so before , this is what I do n't like about he , he applies for planning permission does er the notice was no bigger than six inches long and four
18 In the third division Hereford could have done with some luck … they went down at home …
19 In the third division Hereford could have done with some luck … they went down at home …
20 I think we sho we could have done with some time to look at it really .
21 HOW we could have done with some frogs ' legs among the dire fare served up for national consumption at Stamford Bridge yesterday .
22 As so often in this story of my own anorexia nervosa , I find myself arriving at the same conclusion , the same central statement : it could have worked for some people , but it did n't work for me .
23 On 26 May Mozart appeared at court before the King of Prussia , a keen amateur cellist , who may have asked for some quartets .
24 This may have led to some confusion and may explain why the condition , though acknowledged to be common , is not widely recognised .
25 The argument of this chapter has been to suggest that a distinctive mode of rationality , which is postmodernist in its opposition to the principles of the Weberian/Fordist organization pattern , may have emerged in some aspects of post-war Japan .
26 The general assumption by everyone involved on the Allied side , from 5 Corps up to AFHQ , had been that , in terms of the Yalta repatriation agreement , the " Cossacks " were Soviet citizens , and on that basis the decision in Principle had been made that , however much this may have regretted by some people on humanitarian grounds , the British obligation was to hand them over .
27 In eighteenth-century England , for example , the practical sciences may have appealed to some dissenters because they were denied access to other professions .
28 It may have occurred to some readers already .
29 A court would interpret such words in their natural manner which is objective , i.e. the Secretary of State could not simply rely upon his own subjective beliefs , but would have to point to some evidence from which it could reasonably be inferred that , for example , Napoleon was a person of hostile origin .
30 If everything was hunky dory on planet pop , Suede and the Manics would n't need to worship Bowie and Lydon , Bjorn Again would have aborted in some outback bar down under and Denim simply would n't exist .
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