Example sentences of "[modal v] be the [noun] of his " in BNC.

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1 Florence further says that witnesses of the agreement later declared that Edmund left no portion of the kingdom to his brothers should he die , and agreed that Cnut should be the protector of his sons until they came of age .
2 In a word , a testator may be led but not driven ; and his will must be the offspring of his own volition , and not the record of some one else 's .
3 The doctors had told him the truth about his health and , though he was not doomed as a man , it must be the end of his political life .
4 That shows an inner strength which must be the result of his deep religious conviction .
5 It was for this same reason that José Antonio Primo de Rivera , while supporting the military rising , had harboured serious doubts as to what might be the fate of his party in the event of a triumph by the military .
6 ‘ It could be the end of his life as well . ’
7 Unless she died in the next few weeks — and why should she die ? — it could be the end of his life on the headland , the end of his organization , the end of all he had planned and hoped to do .
8 A king could be the vassal of his own vassal .
9 ‘ Which may be the measure of his quality , ’ said Cadfael firmly , ‘ or of his cunning .
10 In particular he was closely involved with the rebuilding of Bolsover Castle , Derbyshire , between about 1612 and his death ; the riding-school range there , however , may be the work of his son , Huntingdon Smythson , who died in 1648 .
11 Edouard knew what he was looking for , a Picasso , a Matisse , whose medium was not paint but rare stones and precious metals ; the genius who would be the linchpin of his whole enterprise .
12 What would be the point of his striving for good repute in the House if in so doing he had to risk losing his seat ?
13 In his lunch breaks Doisneau pored over books on photography , and at weekends he set off alone with a heavy wooden camera and tripod to capture the first of the ‘ personal ’ photographs that would be the basis of his life 's work .
14 And that would be the extent of his visit , he would have a cursory look round the yard and away .
15 Lekhanya promised that privatization of state enterprises would be the hallmark of his administration , starting with Lesotho Airways and Lesotho Freight Air Transport .
16 For what would be missing would be the effect of his enthusiasm on others , in ways not recorded in the formal literature .
17 Do they discourage pupils from recording achievements of these kinds , and what would be the consequence of his denial of experience for a pupil 's sense of worth and motivation ?
18 ‘ Growth and recruitment will be the foundations of his wide brief which can not , by rule , include the coaching of a team .
19 ‘ Each year there will be the anniversary of his death to get through and birthdays that we ca n't share with him .
20 His crucial test will be the ferocity of his assault on spending .
21 Economic reform will be the thrust of his plan to get the country , and ultimately , the world , back on its feet .
22 But where , among the computer discs and tapes , will be the evidence of his own reflections and afterthoughts , or the signs of intervention by other members of the office or household ?
23 ‘ Marriage will be the end of his talent , ’ Bonamy predicted , though I had not seen much talent in the poems Robin had so far shown me .
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