Example sentences of "[modal v] be [vb pp] by [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 I think that very often where Bentham and Beccaria differ in detail this is traceable to Beccaria 's conviction that what may be done in the name of utility should be limited by consideration of what befits the dignity of man .
2 After personal educational objectives have been set for each doctor the educational process should be completed by assessment of whether these objectives have been fulfilled .
3 ‘ What he did to Terry Cooper should be prohibited by Act of Parliament , ’ was Slim Jim 's personal homage .
4 He thought the firing of horses should be prohibited by Act of Parliament , and he condemned the practice of nicking horses ' tails .
5 Vannotti forecast turnover in the company 's most important — home — market , Switzerland , was likely to decline this year , but this should be compensated by expansion of Ascom 's international business .
6 Warnings should be accompanied by advice of what actions to take .
7 We can therefore in analysing the public institutions make use of the parallel with the private sector , but it must be tempered by consideration of the monopoly position of the government agency and the limitations on entry .
8 Generally speaking , any recital must be supported by proof of a marked or examined copy of the document giving rise to the recital .
9 A member State of an organisation which is a third party to a treaty concluded by the organisation has no special status under the Vienna Convention on International Organisations ; its position must be determined by application of Articles 34–38 .
10 There 's such sad unenthusiasm , on the other hand , about the way Stanford confuses personal doubt with the existence of mystery , as if one engenders the other , and , in doing so , must be assuaged by performance of some farcical rites .
11 If it was wrong , it must be challenged by way of appeal or not at all .
12 Because it is necessary to record the value of members ' holdings , the vote must be taken by way of a poll .
13 In places to which the public has right of access , save where the flow of information must be restricted by reason of confidentiality , members have an obligation to facilitate the flow of information and ideas and to protect and promote the rights of every individual to have free and equal access to sources of information without discrimination and within the limits of the law .
14 In the example given above , for instance , the value of the site for which planning permission for housing development was given might be increased by virtue of the fact that it was refused on the second site .
15 Lastly , the United Kingdom observed that the problems of the flag might be resolved by harmonisation of laws and international agreement , or even the adoption of a Community flag , rather than by blunt application of articles 7 , 52 and 221 of the E.E.C .
16 This could be precipitated by instillation of 210 ml of air into the stomach .
17 If Policyholder can stay with relatives , then perhaps a ‘ token ’ payment could be made by way of ‘ rent ’ .
18 Dr Peter Barnes , professor of thoracic medicine at the National Heart and Lung Institute in London , said there was international concern that asthma could be aggravated by over-use of ‘ puffers ’ , which relieve symptoms but do not tackle the cause .
19 In animal experiments , increased mucosal permeability could be prevented by depletion of granulocytes with antineutrophil serum , and ileal mucosal permeability increased after exposure to neutrophil derived oxidants .
20 Indirect Rule dramatized , sanctified , and institutionalized the belief that backward races should and could be ruled by force of character rather than by force of arms .
21 Peter Hickton , unaware that cooperation could be bought by payment of ‘ negotiated extras ’ , responded to the crew 's apparent lethargy by throwing one of his tantrums , which had only served to make them less willing to help out .
22 Second , gravitational data show that the maria are sites of excess mass called mascons such as could be produced by infill of an impact basin as follows .
23 Should any question arise , however , the Registrar has a discretion ( under Land Registration Rules 1925 , r290(1) ) to allow inspection of the filed transfer and it is understood that such discretion would be exercised if any difficulty could be resolved by production of the filed transfer .
24 Need has been variously defined , but in this study needs were deemed to be unmet if interventions were acceptable to the client and the following applied : ( a ) for activities of daily living a person was dependent on help from the carer and this dependence could be reversed by provision of an aid ; ( b ) for communication disorders there had not been an assessment by a speech therapist ; ( c ) for services ( day care , respite care ) a referral had not been made to the appropriate agency and subsequent referral proved successful ; and ( d ) for benefits the client or carer was unaware of eligibility for benefits , an application had not been made , and subsequent application was successful .
25 However , even in the present stage of battery technology and without recourse to any of the many new battery types under test at present it is estimated that due to the preponderance of short trips ( this is in an industrialised country equivalent in size to the UK ) 70% of present fuel consumption in cars could be substituted by use of battery vehicles .
26 Hepatocyte function in disease may be perturbed by degradation of the normal matrix and its replacement with interstitial collagens by activated lipocytes .
27 The problem of mismatch of vocabulary may be illustrated by use of a diagram showing a chain of mismatches , beginning with the English verb " run " , and ending with " die " , and similar verbs in Tamil : " Oodu " in Tamil can be translated in English in some contexts as " run " , and in others as " happen " .
28 Matters covered by the Agreement on Social Policy may be implemented by way of Council decision at the joint request of the signatory parties .
29 This can , of course , create very undesirable consequences : social stability may be endangered by concentration of too much power and/ or wealth in too few hands ; the privacy of citizens may be abused under the excuse of maintaining law and order , or for commercial gains ; the state may take a " big brother " role ; the business community may acquire too much political power ; or , although very unlikely , IT experts may decide that they should take over the running of the country , since it is only they who can understand the unnecessary complexity of IT systems .
30 The first half-year was to he duty free and clear of all taxes " impositions and assessment whatsoever which may be imposed by act of Parliament or otherwise howsoever … "
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