Example sentences of "[modal v] be [vb pp] [prep] two [noun] " in BNC.

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1 General manager Joseph Mikhael ( 42 ) said the scheme should be completed in two years time .
2 Regular deworming will largely eliminate the risk of this infection , and to prevent puppies representing a danger , most vets recommend that they should be treated from two weeks old onwards , as well as their mothers .
3 Applications for Associateship should be supported by two Fellows of the association who have knowledge of the candidate for at least two years immediately preceding the application .
4 I suggest that the erm ticket price should be two pounds fifty as it is now and that the concessionary price should be increased to two pounds .
5 Pieces of material much longer than the vice jaws should be gripped between two wood strips and held in the vice with the addition of a G-cramp or screw at each end ( fig.2 ) .
6 Benefits should be analysed at two levels : those benefits which can be obtained by purchase of a particular type of product ; and those that can be obtained by purchasing that product from a particular supplier .
7 Data , once collected , should be analysed in two stages .
8 That sign must also be no more than half a square metre in area and all signs should be removed within two weeks of a sale being completed .
9 Homemade recordings should be judged from two points of view : their viewability and their teachability .
10 The period of six and a half years should be divided into two sections .
11 Broadly speaking , the church planting activity in the Church of England should be divided into two kinds .
12 According to Le Monde of Nov. 22 the number of asylum seekers ( who came especially from eastern Europe ) had risen to 1,700 per month , and a new law to speed the processing of asylum applications stipulated that these should be processed within two months , after which an applicant recognized as a refugee could take up provisional residence while waiting for a definitive decision .
13 Applications for fellowship must be supported by two fellows who have known the applicant for at least three years and will be considered individually by the board of fellows .
14 Notices of appeal must be given within two business days of the Panel 's decision .
15 Chomsky states that grammar must be based on two things : observation of language ability to satisfy the native speaker 's intuition about his language For example , it must be able to account for the native speaker 's intuition that active or passive sentences are related to each other ; that some pairs of sentences , though alike on the surface , are different at a deeper level .
16 Available in varying maturity , it must be kept for two years before it attains a real ‘ bite-back ’ sharpness .
17 Such applications must be served within two months of issue unless the period is extended .
18 Claims must be made within two years of the child 's birth , or four in the case of muscular dystrophy .
19 A claim to carry back ACT must be made within two years after the end of the accounting period in which the surplus arose .
20 Within Lakatos 's framework , scientific methodology must be discussed from two points of view , one concerning the work done within a single research programme , the other concerning the comparison of the merits of competing research programmes .
21 Applications for membership must be signed by two referees , who should be either members of the Society or professional colleagues of the applicant .
22 Warrants authorising detention beyond 36 hours must be issued by two magistrates ( s.43 ) .
23 The request for reconsideration must be filed within two days of receiving the certificate of refusal from the magistrates ' court and copy documents must be served on the parties within this time limit .
24 If supplied , each entry must be divided into two parts , the first of which must contain one of the following keywords :
25 If supplied , each entry must be divided into two parts , the first of which must contain one of the following keywords :
26 If supplied , each entry must be divided into two parts , the first of which must contain one of the following keywords :
27 If supplied , each entry must be divided into two parts , the first of which must contain one of the following keywords :
28 The true theory of the Nicol prism was not clearly understood even by its inventor , but in a neglected paper by Edward Sang the mathematical theory is given completely for the first time ; this also contains a suggestion , made forty-seven years later by M. E. Bertrand in the Comptes Rendus , that a polarizer might be constructed of two glass prisms separated by a suitably placed thin layer of Iceland spar .
29 If the NCC 's account falls short of plausible history , then it might be explained in two ways .
30 ‘ Then again , if we were to split the feature into 51 parts , the joke could be written-off on a week-by-week basis and any potential liability , laughter-wise , might be spread across two tax periods .
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