Example sentences of "[modal v] be [verb] [prep] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Outhouses and other farm buildings should be secured in exactly the same way as you protect your house .
2 It should be made from just the morning milk taken from Old Gloucester cows .
3 The prisoners welfare group Nacro , says every prisoner leaving jail should be given at least the basics to make a fresh start .
4 Two decrees were issued by the Labour Ministry on Jan. 10 , 1990 , ( i ) announcing a nationwide 16 per cent wage increase for workers in state enterprises , stating that this was within the framework of the economic recovery programme ; and ( ii ) stating that strikes might legally be called by trade union committees or mass meetings of workers but that notice should be given to both the employer and the ministry and that strike action should only be used as a last resort .
5 Servicing valves should be fitted in both the inlet and outlet pipes of the softener so that it can be removed or isolated for maintenance without the need to turn off the mains water supply .
6 Any sense of humour , of enjoyment and playfulness is totally lacking ; the implication was that a household should be tackled in exactly the same way as an institution :
7 Some interest provisions attempt to insert a minimum rate , which should be avoided by both the landlord and the tenant .
8 All completed and marked assignments should be retained by either the centre or the students .
9 Only one of the three identifier sections on the form should be completed when specifying a range of entries and the same identifier should be used for both the Start and Finish of the range .
10 Only one of the identifier sections on the form should be completed when specifying a range of entries and the same identifier should be used for both the Start and Finish of the range .
11 Only one of the identifier sections on the form should be completed when specifying a range of entries and the same identifier should be used for both the Start and Finish of the range .
12 The recording system that was used for the baseline should be continued in exactly the same form .
13 The reasons for the overdose should be discussed with both the patient and his partner or family .
14 Any future reference to this Product must be made by either the existing Product identifier or this new title .
15 Any future reference to this Client must be made by either the existing Client identifier or this new title .
16 To allow for the possibility that the acceleration change arises from a change in load torque ( as distinct from a change in Switching angle ) , the trial disturbances in switching angle must be made in both the positive and negative senses .
17 The latter enables delivery or acceptance to take place between the two dates ( the contract itself is not optional , it must be fulfilled by both the bank and the customer ) .
18 A memorandum of satisfaction that the charge has been discharged can also be registered ; it must be signed by both the chargee and the company and if a fraudulently signed memorandum is registered it is submitted that it will not affect the chargee as it would not be a ‘ duly ’ signed memorandum .
19 The budget originates in the Executive branch and is sent to both houses for approval ; it can be amended by both — and usually is , very substantially — but the final version must be approved by both the President and the two houses acting jointly .
20 Obviously all the planets that we see orbiting the sun must be travelling at exactly the right speed to keep them in their orbits , or we would n't see them there because they would n't be there !
21 The simple and almost revolutionary message of Francis had the fortune to reach the ears and attention of a pope of spiritual vision who , while not able to fill that role himself , recognized the strength and power that might be harnessed to both the papal curia and the Church as a whole .
22 The gyro could be dispensed with when the model is in fast forward flight and can , if too powerful , actually hinder the performance of some manoeuvres .
23 The old light blue trousers with white leg stripes could be worn with both the four-pocket blue blouse and the khaki version .
24 So , for example , an expression like Joan is singing well could be understood in either the temporariness or the limited duration sense .
25 The indirect method was a natural though not inevitable growth from the fact that trustees could be selected from outside the class of heirs .
26 The managers could be appointed from inside the service or taken in from outside .
27 Following the drilling of deep boreholes in the 1960 's and in 1978–79 which had confirmed the presence of sandstones with good reservoir characteristics in several areas below the thick basalt cover , there was an urgent need to establish whether usable seismic data could be obtained from below the basalts .
28 Doing business in several countries meant holding a variety of currencies while good communication between the ‘ local ’ branches meant that these holdings could be moved to wherever the return was at its best .
29 A proposal to hold such referendum could be submitted by either the Czech or the Slovak parliament , or by the Federal Assembly , but it could be vetoed by the federal President , Vaclav Havel .
30 Post-election analysis predicted that while 14 governors could be expected to back the government , eight others were doubtful and four governors would support the opposition parties .
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