Example sentences of "[modal v] just [vb infin] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah maybe we should just forget the whole thing you know .
2 I 'm , I 'm , quite amazed that , that , the question has even been asked , you know , that er that , that , er is this a good thing , I mean er presumably the people that are arguing that it 's not a good thing and that are concerned about events are actually condoning imperialism , er these people seem to think that it 's okay for a country to be occupied er like Poland was occupied by Germany and Czechoslovakia and France , that 's okay er and in fact you know we should just turn a blind eye to it and just let it carry on forever .
3 Does that yeah does th that mean that if he 's say h he 's taunted about his race he sh he should just turn the other cheek and have a stiff upper lip ?
4 It had happened before , she must just plot the next square like painting by numbers .
5 Let's just hope the German cops get hold of Nicholson and the girl before they cause any more trouble .
6 Erm , as I said it was n't me that phoned originally , my guess is that there may be somebody else at the school who is trying to contact you , but while you 're on the line , let's just make a little let's just make a little date .
7 Let's just walk a little bit faster , girls !
8 Let's just analyze a little bit what was difficult .
9 There 's only so much that anybody 's brain can handle at any one time so let's just do a little experiment because there was a chap called George Miller an American psychologist who worked on this idea of what is the capacity of the brain , how many bits of information can the brain hold on to at any given time .
10 Before you bring her in , let's just assess the current state of play .
11 ‘ Secondly , let's just take the educational side of things .
12 And erm well let's , let's , let's just say a hundred watts is a hundred electrons per second .
13 Let's just consider the political problem though you have still got a problem selling it to a lot of MP s , if they 're listening to this interview and they are concluding , maybe rightly , maybe wrongly , that actually things are n't changing very much , and they may think they 've been sold a pup with these amendments , indeed I hear that some of them have had to be bought off , well , is it true that one of them was sent off to Peru on an on an election er supervision mission in order that he might not be around when the bill came up .
14 Let's just have a European holiday instead . ’
15 You also mention within your document the N H S. Well , let's just have a little word about the N H S. Let's talk about the dedic dedicated staff working in the N H S who have nothing to gain and everything to lose .
16 Let's just have a little look .
17 What I want you to do between now and the end of the lesson , ah , wait for it , in your rough books , ah I want you to start writing down ideas of the things that are important to you , but before we do that , let's just have a few starters on the board , let's have some hands up .
18 Well let's let's just have a quick look at this one .
19 I have a lunch that day let's just have a quick check in the diary no , oh yes no no I 'm wrong , something er no nothing , nothing at all .
20 Let's just have the standard drawings
21 Well he 's gone on seven days of the week complaining about so and so we 'll just narrow that down to one article about his his complaint that they may just make a little note he 's complained seven times about this !
22 They may just receive an unexpected knock at the door — and it wo n't be Santa calling .
23 Effective implementation of 1992 policies by all member Sates is of major importance , as differences in speed of implementation and seriousness of enforcement may just perpetuate the competitive distortions the programme was designed to eliminate .
24 Swindon were winning too … who knows Norway 's world cup success may just push the winning button at the county ground …
25 Instead of being answered instantly by a human voice , callers at busy times may just hear a recorded message .
26 ‘ I 'll just fetch a few things we might need . ’
27 I 'll just make a humorous point , I 've got a sick dog , but I see that is n't er , covered .
28 I 'll just make a full band , stitch it on
29 I 'll just make the necessary arrangements for the divorce .
30 But there are no plans for the houses , many fear they 'll just remain a boarded-up eyesore instead of providing much-needed accomodation .
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