Example sentences of "[modal v] also be [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Reference must also be made to a brief but important statement by the Privy Council , in the course of an elaborate opinion , largely concerned with other matters , in Government of the United States of America v. Bowe [ 1990 ] 1 A.C. 500 .
2 The young boy who died here must also be regarded as a victim . ’
3 If dare and need are not asserted as realities , then they must be conceived as mere potentialities , and since the infinitive also expresses a non-actual event in these uses , it must also be represented as a potentiality .
4 Some services , notably safety and finance , must also be sustained on a corporate basis while AEA retains current statutory accountabilities .
5 But social policy making must also be seen as a political process .
6 Schools must also be seen within a system of administration ( usually centralised ) conforming to certain patterns and practices of control and within a hierarchical structure often difficult to change .
7 The material must also be judged as a whole and in context .
8 The damper torque acts as a drag torque on the motor shaft and also accelerates the damper rotor : If tile motor is operating at constant speed the damper rotor must also be running at a constant speed , so from Eqn .
9 Thus part of the Kerr space-time must also be considered as a solution of the colliding plane wave equations , though in this situation the coordinates have a different interpretation .
10 The political ideology ( philosophy ) of a government must also be considered by a lending banker ( or investor ) .
11 They must also be considered in a wider context since the need for defences in the civil zones throughout the Empire arose out of the great pressures on the frontiers by barbarian migrations .
12 Conservation , to architect and public alike , is not a fad , a fetter or a curse : it is a necessity which should also be seen as a stimulating challenge .
13 All existing buildings should also be seen as a potential resource .
14 It would obviously would be particularly relevant to , to the Lowtown area , but I think it should also be seen in a , the wider context of Bridgenorth and the surrounding area .
15 The scheduling of payments should also be covered at an early stage .
16 Taking part in the arts should also be viewed as a tool for change as much as attending meetings about , say , orange badge provision .
17 They should also be run in a special armoured cable ( or PVC cable in a conduit ) and buried at least 450 mm ( 18 in ) underground .
18 Editorial direction should also be handed to an upfront , well-established journalist .
19 It is therefore not surprising that this should also be reflected in a rise in demand for health care .
20 They should also be accompanied by a full description of the churches , their natural groupings , and their geographical , social and spiritual environment .
21 Cross-examination by defence lawyers should also be videotaped at an informal hearing before trial , with the press and public excluded .
22 The strengthening of seminar groups raises the possibility that these multidisciplinary programmes might facilitate the spread of paradigm shifts in the earth sciences ; and should also be used as an underpinning structure for project-based research in applied earth sciences .
23 16.35 Pupils should also be introduced to a range of media texts , and be encouraged to consider their purpose , effect and intended audience .
24 However , it is fair to say that division is usually the most efficient technique if synonyms are to be handled by chaining or tagging , but that if they are to be stored using the consecutive spill technique , bucket size and packing density should also be considered before a decision on randomizing method is made .
25 Also in the US , two unnamed systems integrators have agreed to take the notebook on-board — they 'll also be announced in a few weeks ' time .
26 Every week you 'll also be invited to a welcome cocktail at the new hotel bar .
27 You 'll also be provided with an apron to protect your clothes .
28 The transliteration of the original with qwt , in line 3 , reasonably accurately represents the first letter ( which might also be represented as a figure nine if nine has a straight back stroke ) .
29 The Child Poverty Action Group might also be seen as an expert and appropriate group to raise social security matters , having been for many years active in campaigning on such matters .
30 In this case the " no " decision is not a positive rejection of the proposal but an inadequacy of temptation which might also be regarded as a lack of enterprise .
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