Example sentences of "[modal v] also be [verb] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In particular there is concern within the British civil aviation industry about the level of costs being incurred by the CAA , and recovered from industry , in its work towards setting up the European Joint Aviation Authority and associated regulatory functions , particularly in this formative period when the British Authority continues to function as an autonomous body whose charges must also be borne by operators .
2 Briefings on epidemiology , morbidity , aids to decision-making such as Quality Adjusted Life Years ( QALYs ) as well as critical assessments of clinical and technological developments must also be built into preparations for , and continuing support of , members .
3 The courtesies must also be exchanged between couples in a group dance .
4 If first used before 1 September 1978 it must also be equipped with pedals by which it can be propelled .
5 All this information must also be included on captions , and if plain paper is being used the address should be added .
6 In determining an appropriate dividend yield , regard should be had not only for comparable public company yields but allowance should also be made for factors such as non-negotiability , dividend cover , asset backing etc .
7 Dr John Maunder , director of the Medical Entomology Centre ( MEC ) at the University of Cambridge , believes that Quellada shampoo is an obsolete treatment anyway , and that it should also be withdrawn from chemists .
8 News of a proposed relocation should not only be communicated to employees but should also be given to suppliers and customers .
9 Individual boatmen should also be honoured through clubs nominating skippers for their ability to find fish and their helpfulness towards anglers .
10 £1 , 50p , 20p , 10p , 5p coins should be stacked in their respective denominations ; 2p , 1p or ½p coins should also be stacked into piles for easy checking and counting , then bundled into the appropriate cash bags supplied by the bank .
11 The production of renewable energy sources should also be promoted through grants , soft loans and fiscal incentives , the report concluded .
12 He said other Darlington attractions like the town museum and yards should also be promoted to shoppers .
13 Leisure reading should also be encouraged by discussions during class and " follow up " work in normal lessons .
14 Care should also be taken with warranties to be given by the client .
15 In view of the increasing prevalence of HIV in our population , we believe that HIV testing should also be offered to patients with tuberculosis .
16 The order to use Saddam 's cash was made by the UN Security Council which insisted it should also be used for reparations to Kuwait .
17 Lectures should also be read to students on botany and pharmacy , and on natural philosophy and chemistry …
18 Cheques or postal orders should be made payable to ‘ Suffolk CCA Tickets ’ and a stamped addressed envelope should also be enclosed with applications .
19 The same objections might also be applied to models which suggest a role for government policy arising out of asymmetries of information between groups in the private sector .
20 Stones would enclose the fire , and the meat might also be cached under stones .
21 … I further agree … that the rectification might also be made under clauses ( a ) and ( g ) of subsection ( 1 ) .
22 Such reports might also be used by customers to assess the financial viability of establishing a presence abroad through a foreign subsidiary or joint venture .
23 Large sums might also be required for fortifications , especially from 1588 onwards .
24 The game could also be played in teams with each Six having and egg with their name on it .
25 The industry could also be hit by changes in European Commission pollution legislation , she said .
26 Drills could also be made with substitutions made at other slots , until all possibilities have been drilled or the problem overcome .
27 Senior house officers could also be assessed in terms of whether their performance in post is satisfactory .
28 Much energy could also be saved by businesses .
29 If a rate of return could also be defined for futures markets , futures could then be treated as an additional asset in portfolio and capital market theories , and the concept and tests of market efficiency could also be extended , in a straightforward manner , to futures markets .
30 Pressure could also be exerted on practices to adopt 10 minute consultation bookings , given the relation between length of consultation and quality of performance .
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