Example sentences of "[unc] of [noun pl] be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well one one of our key key er marketing er tools is the markets we 're actually aiming for and I er agree with you we are going to diversify and it is an on ongoing campaign but er our s the er targeting 's based on the socioeconomic group er of the population and the differential er of purchasers is going to be fairly minimal because those will be very similar people throughout the entire country .
2 Only 2–3% of cancers are caused by man-made things anyway .
3 ‘ approximately ¾ of whites are victimised by whites , while on the whole over 80 per cent of blacks are victimised by blacks .
4 In men 60–70% of discharges were seen among adults between 25–64 years of age ( Fig 3A ) .
5 The state of the fundic wrap can be accurately assessed with the retroflexed endoscope , and shortly after fundoplication 8–9% of wraps were found to be defective .
6 20.4% of the grants made and 3.6% of loans were awarded to pensioners .
7 Another cirque of crags is riddled with excellently protected routes of VS to E1 .
8 Whereas in 1986 , 25.6% of acquisitions were funded in this way , the figure for 1988 was 69.7% , and in 1989 around 80% of merger funding was in cash .
9 Similarly , whereas 28 per cent of female interviewees were introduced by a close female friend , 81 per cent of males were introduced by a close male friend .
10 Rape counsellors believe only ten per cent of rapes are reported to Police …
11 Ninety per cent of accidents are caused by people going too fast and there is never , never an excuse for speed .
12 We race constantly so it is not surprising that 90 per cent of accidents are caused by excess speed . ’
13 15 per cent of women are caring for someone , but so are 12 per cent of men ( Evandrou , 1990 ) .
14 Reconviction figures for prisoners released in 1985 suggest that 55 per cent of men and 34 per cent of women are reconvicted within 2 years .
15 When such a scheme was introduced in Oregon in the 1970s , it resulted in 90 per cent of bottles being saved for recycling .
16 Cycling is cheap , it 's green , and it 's healthy … but despite the fact that over two million new bicycles were sold in the UK last year , less than three per cent of journeys are made by bike .
17 Using the example of a 90 per cent packed file with single-track buckets that can hold ten records : from Table 6.4 , 91.4 per cent of records are located on their home tracks .
18 In Europe , it has been estimated that one quarter of road traffic deaths and 10 per cent of injuries are associated with alcohol .
19 In the first phase of development in the early 1980s around 30 per cent of changes were bought by former council house tenants , but as prices have rocketed this percentage is now below 10 per cent .
20 It is accepted that some 10 to 15 per cent of cases are seen outside the clinics by private or general practitioners , and it is unusual for these cases to be reported to the Department of Health .
21 Perhaps because of the long-standing provision of special clinics , the large majority of cases of sexually transmitted disease are seen in such clinics , in contrast to other countries , where less than 20 per cent of cases are seen in hospitals .
22 The treatments for gonorrhoea and syphilis are standardized throughout the country , and an estimated 80 per cent of cases are seen in the special dermato-venereological clinics .
23 The last full analysis of reported cases , made in 1980 , shows 41 per cent to be occurring in tropical Africa ( where virtually no attempt at control has been made so far ) , 22 per cent in the Indian subcontinent and 31 per cent in Eastern Asia and Oceania ; only 5 per cent of cases were reported from Europe , the Eastern Mediterranean and Central and South America .
24 In North America , in areas where conditions are similar to this country , a survey showed that one per cent of houses were affected by damp , but rot was not found in any of these , and in the few years of experience here none of the faults so far reported are due to this cause .
25 ‘ approximately ¾ of whites are victimised by whites , while on the whole over 80 per cent of blacks are victimised by blacks .
26 In 1985 , according to the State Planning Council ( SEGEPLAN ) , 86 per cent of families were living below the official poverty line and 55 per cent were extremely poor .
27 An RAC survey also found that over 60 per cent of motorists are thinking of buying a used car , instead of a new one , in order to save money .
28 Whereas a majority , 54 per cent , of households in Birmingham would have gained under the poll tax if it had been levied in 1988–9 , only 39 per cent of adults are shown to be gainers .
29 This publication , read in conjunction with several other contemporary research findings ( Dell 1971 ; Zander 1969 and 1972 ) , stated that only 4 per cent of defendants were represented by lawyers , usually solicitors .
30 The Widdicombe Report ( 1986 , para. 6.57 ) showed that 85 per cent of councillors are elected in the name of a political party .
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