Example sentences of "[unc] [noun prp] [conj] [pron] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Well that 's when er Ben and I saw him , when he was doing it
2 Well we were at a venture park on er Sunday and I reckon I probably did something on one of the rides without realizing it .
3 Trained over here with Mill Hill Cricket Club , that 's stuck a bit by er Tufnell and I think we might say that beat in the air , his attempted sweep failed completely .
4 Judy our new Director will lead her team , of Simon , Richard and To and er Tony and I think it seems particularly er , appropriate and important that Judy at her first appearance here as Director , although many of us present , I know , would remember her wearing other hats , should have this opportunity of speaking the Councillor members and giving us some idea of how the Management Team see the future before us in the years to come .
5 No they 're Anthony 's Charlotte cos you ate yours , your went , your bag went empty cos you had Minstrels in it right are you gon na get up here then ?
6 Yes erm now on erm Tuesday as I say we 've got five open races actually Peter , five open races on Tuesday , but erm one of the best erm things that happened to us is that the Pall Mall which is the biggest event erm in erm March , erm that 's being sponsored now by one of the track bookmakers called Max Thomas and the best thing about it is that erm he is erm putting in so much prize money with the major the supporting opens on our gala night , that erm there 's not a race worth in the open race , there 's not worth less than two hundred and erm there 's three races worth five hundred pounds each to the winner and the big race is worth five thousand so that 's an early erm plug for to keep in your diary , like the Pall Mall which is March the twenty third .
7 Well we do n't have a definite answer erm Gill but we think it may have experienced a shock of some sort during that season and of course when this happens to fruit trees they can go into bi-annual cropping and then they come back again , it may be that this horse chestnut 's experienced something very similar .
8 He got the sack , cos he got up and left his job overslept and annoyed erm Rachael because she woke him up twice and said come on you 've got to go to work , he said alright then , she , she went back to bed thinking he 'd get up and of course he were still laying in bed , I woke him up at five to eleven , said come on you 're an hour late , but when he got down there they said no it 's no good you 've got the sack , and he said well it 's your own fault then cos you were woke up twice by Rachael at nine o'clock , he had n't , he could have got up and gone to work , just idle we met him twice , it really upset him
9 He got out of the planes coming , we , we was coming over from de Laborgie and you give him the needle and I had to lead him off the lead him off the plane , and going down over the chimneys in Chantilly to landu Laborgie he goes , woo ooh ooh , getting ready you know .
10 THE Roux brothers ' former restaurant in Old Bailey , renamed Le Sous Sol after they sold it in 1989 , is in administrative receivership .
11 Rentaf Rentafone or whoever do it , and erm eventually got to spoke to so get to speak to somebody .
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