Example sentences of "[unc] [pers pn] 'll have a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll sa I 'll have a bit more to say about stimulus response coupling in a second .
2 Can I have a er I 'll have a pint of lager please .
3 And if they are able to misjudge on on this particular issue , then they are likely to misjudge on other issues , so er we 'll have a chat with them and we 'll find them out what they think and er what they say .
4 Er we 'll have a lo we 'll have a look at that
5 Erm we 'll look at that then we 'll look at the nu we 'll have a look at the number line and we 'll look at temperatures .
6 Erm we 'll have a look at that in a minute .
7 But erm we 'll have a look at it next time and we 'll , you know , play with it a bit more and we 'll get on with doing some more pie charts okay ?
8 Right before we er kick off the lecture erm we 'll have a lecture on Wednesday right hopefully we 'll finish the course then on Wednesday , we 're running over a touch behind
9 And then erm they 'll have a couple of hours or an hour break there probably and then erm
10 I have to I h I when I get to the office , I 'll h I 'll h I 'll have a look a bit closer .
11 They sort of they tie together and you 'll be using some equations and next time we 'll give you som we 'll have a look at graphs again just a quick
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