Example sentences of "[unc] [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll sa I 'll have a bit more to say about stimulus response coupling in a second .
2 and er worked till I was twenty one and you usually got the sack when you were twenty one , unless they were busy , very busy , they would say , You er , you wo n't get the full money at twenty one because er w I can get a man of forty one for that money .
3 Okay well I 'll I 'll do a I 'll do a note on on the various headings that I 've made so we 've all got the same piece of paper .
4 So I wonder if er I 'll make a note of them I wonder if someone will start me off on on a list of what you think are the pluses and minuses of retirement .
5 What er I 'll make a cup of tea now eh ?
6 Can I have a er I 'll have a pint of lager please .
7 I er I 'll get a cup of tea now .
8 And then the caster 'd cast that , you know and another ca time , I wanted er a projection , you know and er I 'd take a casting .
9 Er I should take a box
10 Now er I could make a point here that when they introduced one man operated buses , they thought they were on to a new thing but one man operated buses were in this town before the war .
11 I says , Al alright then , I will , Mam , and out of that threepence er I used to save a penny a week , well a penny was lot then .
12 No half day Saturdays , half day Saturdays , yes and then er I , I used to stay waiting for mother to come and my sister er to do the shopping in Willenhall cos they would n't shop anywhere else , and then erm my brother used to come with his cycle and er I used to carry a lot of the shopping back and my brother used to push a lot on his , on his cycle and mother and my sister used to stay down and have another walk around , but we 'd got to walk it back I 'd come back on the wagonette so or just after the buses started but er I 'll never forget the first time the bus ran it was pouring with rain and my sister was standing in front of me and she 'd got a new mac on and of course we were getting very wet and there was a scramble to get on the bus and the lady in front of her had got a bag of flour and of course the bag burst and went all down her
13 And you 'll er you 'll need a piece of paper .
14 You 'll , you 'll see , I 'm talking to the Three-Nineties , er you 'll see a bit of a change since you were here before .
15 Sometimes you lost a shop steward erm notwithstanding sometimes if the work study department needed a er an extra man er you would lose a shop steward .
16 Cos started a union up , but that was after when I was working at Squires but there was n't , there was n't a union , a union at all then , but er there was keen competition between Tonkses and cos they and , I mean they all developed the Yale and er we used to get a lot of visitors around , and er you used to get a lot of American visitors around , but erm it 's a it 's a very very old town is n't it , very old because mother used to do her shopping there and there were n't any buses running , but we used to go by wagonette from er to do the Saturday shopping er Applobish used to run the wagonettes and the daughter used to drive the two horses and
17 I I think you 'd be er you 'd succeed a lot more in that .
18 Er one of the rules is you must belong to the Co-op you , you know and er you must have a Pound share in the Co-op you see .
19 Well I suppose but er you can imagine a lot worse than that .
20 you , you ca you can get a bo you can get a set of , you can get a board for these to get room on so you
21 And if they are able to misjudge on on this particular issue , then they are likely to misjudge on other issues , so er we 'll have a chat with them and we 'll find them out what they think and er what they say .
22 Okay , let me just finish this section then we 'll take er we 'll er we 'll take a break to er take a break for the rest of the day actually yes .
23 We might er we might get a card from her
24 Having said that er we would prefer a quota system for er Stansted because without it , we could have a large number of noisey flights into Stansted and , and also that er in terms of er both this and further consultations we would expect to see full information providing us from er , a to enable us to make a sensible conclusion .
25 Cos started a union up , but that was after when I was working at Squires but there was n't , there was n't a union , a union at all then , but er there was keen competition between Tonkses and cos they and , I mean they all developed the Yale and er we used to get a lot of visitors around , and er you used to get a lot of American visitors around , but erm it 's a it 's a very very old town is n't it , very old because mother used to do her shopping there and there were n't any buses running , but we used to go by wagonette from er to do the Saturday shopping er Applobish used to run the wagonettes and the daughter used to drive the two horses and
26 And er the er we used to have a piece of wood , a small piece of wood that was shaped er like a sort of almost like torpedo at both ends .
27 Oh yes at one time erm after the New Town got well started , after The Stow was built got to the , goes up to The Stow and be beyond er , well it 's just , going on into erm , er , towards the swimming bath , it was n't up there , swimming bath , erm and we used to call it the Shady Shop in , in adverts and er we used to have a lot of people used to come down because there was only The Stow then and er
28 Er or they 'd go out doi charring and go you know work the we used to have a woman come in once a week to do the washing .
29 Er we 'll have a lo we 'll have a look at that
30 Well , they would have a er they would have a singsong , they would have er their own er er local artists , you know , er
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